Photoshop for Right-Brainers, 3rd Edition: The Art of Photomanipulation
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More About This Title Photoshop for Right-Brainers, 3rd Edition: The Art of Photomanipulation


Al Ward is a prominent figure in the Photoshop community and a certified Photoshop addict. His website,, is dedicated to providing Photoshop users with training, tricks, and downloads to help enhance their design skills. He has contributed to and written many Photoshop books, including previous editions of Photoshop for Right-Brainers and Al Ward's Photoshop Productivity Toolkit. He also has written for Photoshop User magazine, Planet Photoshop, and Photoshop Café. Al serves as the official actions guru for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP).



Chapter 1 Tools for Building Your Masterpiece.

Using Blending Modes.

Blending Landscapes.

Experimenting with Blending Modes.

Extracting an Image from a Background.

Removing Objects from Their Background.

A New Home.

Working with Layer Masks.

Dynamic Masking.

Absurd Symmetry.

Shades of Gray.

Including Adjustment Layers.

Correcting without Corrupting.

Quick Cartoons.

Displacement Mapping.

Need Direction? Use a Map.

A Peek into a Later Chapter.

Discovering the Power of Blend If.


Chapter 2 Techniques for Embellishing Portraits.

Enhancing Eye Color.

Altering Eye Color.

Altering Hair Color.

Variation: Subtly Enhancing Highlights and Natural Hair Color.

Enhancing Lip Color.

Whitening Teeth.

Removing Acne and Blemishes.

Erasing Wrinkles.

Digital Liposuction.

Digital Face-Lift.


Chapter 3 A Few Right-Brained Special Effects.

Creating a Glass Sphere.

Forming the Sphere.

Enhancing with Light and Shadows.

Including Imperfections.

Intertwining Objects.

Creating Patterns from Photos: Victorian-Style Patterns.

Time to Mask.

Digitized Symmetry.

Generating Metal Objects and Text.

Heavy Metal Text.

Quick and Painless Variations.

Make It Shine.

Generating Plastic or Glass from Scratch.


Chapter 4 Texture, Color, and Layer Effects.

Using Apply Image: Why I Love It.

Enhancing Emotion.

Applying a Technical Background.

Applying a Montage Effect.

Adding Color to Black-and-White Images.

Method 1: Adding a Color Cast.

Method 2: Re-creating the Hand-Tinted Look.

Using Textures and Displacement  Maps.

Aged Paint on a Rough Surface.

Adding Real-World Texture to Skin.

Lightening, Darkening, and Coloring.


Chapter 5 Effects in the Real World.

Symmetrical Landscaping.

Symmetry in the Sky.

Patterns in the Sky.

Nature Patterns: Apply Image.

Creating a Neon Reflection on Water.

Blending the Photos into a New Scene.

Adding Liquid Transparency.

Changing the Mood.

From Calm to Creepy: The Graveyard.

Darkening Another Calm Scene.


Chapter 6 Animals.

Comical Critter Alteration.

Attack of the Giant Bug—in 3D!

Creature out of Place.

Crossbreeding Species: Human Lioness.

Crossbreeding Species 2: Pegasus.


Chapter 7 Digital Alterations and Manipulations.

Digital Woman.

Beginning the Process.

Adding the Logo.

Common Images in Art.

Enhanced Close-up: Macro Art.


Chapter 8 Going Beyond Canned Filters.

Retro Photo: Aging.

Creating Surface Cracks.

Finishing It Up.

Photo to Line Art: Sketching.

Power of the Brush: Creating and Painting with Custom Brushes.

Painting with Flowers.

Testing the Brush.

Portrait to Painting: Artistic.


Chapter 9 People as Art: Digital Manipulation.

Checkered Woman.


Cyborg: Digital Distortions.

Preparing the Head.

Relocating the Subject.

Flesh to Stone.


Chapter 10 Digital Intensive: Fast and Furious Projects.

Project 1: Photorealistic Framing.

Layering the Frame Elements.

Project 2: Changing Photos into Photoshop Presets.

Project 3: Little Monsters.

Parting Thoughts.

Appendix A Accessing Additional Resources.

Appendix B About the Companion CD.

