Michael Allen's 2008 e-Learning Annual
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The Editor

Michael W. Allen pioneered multimedia learning technologies, interactive instructional paradigms, and rapid-prototyping processes, bringing each forward into leading corporate enterprises. He is the chairman and CEO of Allen Interactions Inc., which builds universallyacclaimed custom e-learning, provides strategic learning consulting, and trains e-learning professionals in collaboration with ASTD. With a Ph.D. in educational psychology from The Ohio State University, he is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School, a popular conference speaker, and a prolific writer.



Section 1. Visionary Pioneers Continue to Guide Us.

Reflections on TICCIT (C. Victor Bunderson).

Addressing Diversity in (e-)Learning (Patrick Suppes in conversation with Michael W. Allen).

PLATO, Plasma Screens, and Computer-Based Education (Donald L. Bitzer in conversation with Michael W. Allen).

Section 2. Learning Technology Takes Shape.

Back to the Future of Educational Technology (Fred T. Hofstetter).

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: The Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Schools (Peter G. Fairweather).

Reflections on e-Learning: The Long History of a New Idea (Wallace Hannum).

Lessons from the STARS Revisited (Thomas C. Reeves and William D. Aggen).

Reflections on a Four-Decade Search for Effective, Efficient, and Engaging Instruction (M. David Merrill).

Section 3. What Does It All Mean? Pitfalls and Overhauls.

Dreams and Responsibilities: Learning and the New Technologies (Tom Boyle).

Beyond Knowledge Dissemination: Learning to Solve Problems Online (David H. Jonassen).

What's Right and What's Wrong with Online Learning (Greg Kearsley).

Technology and Learning: A Proposal for Adaptive Tutorial Learning (Alfred Bork, Carole A. Bagley, and Xiwen Zhang).

Cheap But Not Tacky: Lessons Learned During e-Learning Adventures (Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan).

Section 4. Are We Lost? Where Do We Go from Here?

Moving e-Learning into the Workplace (Allison Rossett).

The Business Impact of e-Learning (Nick H.M. van Dam).

Lessons Learned . . . and Relearned (Allen Avner).

We're Professionals, Aren't We? What Drives Our Performance? (Will Thalheimer)

A Final Word.

Pfeiffer Publications Guide.
