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- Wiley
More About This Title The Culturally Savvy Christian: A Manifesto for Deepening Faith and Enriching Popular Culture in anAge of Christianity-Lite
- English
- English
1 The Popular Culture We Are In.
2 The Christianity We Are In.
3 The Story We Are In.
4 God’s Deep Presence.
5 God’s Transforming Presence.
6 God’s Loving Presence.
7 Countering Culture like Aliens.
8 Communicating in Culture like Ambassadors.
9 Creating Culture like Artists.
The Author.
- English
—N.T. Wright, Bishop of Durham, England
"The most inspiring aspect of Dick Staub's book The Culturally Savvy Christian is his adamant belief that people of faith can rise from the grave of cultural obscurity to artistically and intellectually enrich our woefully superficial culture. It is a persuasive and hugely encouraging manifesto."
—David McFadzean, Hollywood writer and producer and co-creator of the television show Home Improvement
"Those of us who are not 'up close' to most of popular culture need and welcome guides through the mazes it represents. Through the years I have found Dick Staub to be an imaginative and reliable guide. He has a rather worked-out world view, which helps him make judgments, but listens patiently to other voices. Then he interprets, especially in ways that help young people—a generation often overlooked by leaders in communities of faith—to find meaning, direction, and vocation."
—Martin E. Marty, Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago
"I've learned as much about what I call 'worldly Christianity' from Dick Staub as almost anyone on the planet—he's the apostle of earthy engagement, the high priest of Christian cultural criticism, the gracious guru of a spirituality that demands your hands be dirty and your knees be skinned before you're let in the door. Star Wars, The Matrix, The Simpsons, tomorrow’s paper—Staub finds grace in every image, turn, page, and notion."
—Dwight Ozard, (deceased) writer, pundit, speaker, and consultant to nonprofit ministries and NGOs around the world