The Future That Has Come: New Possibilities forReaching and Growing the Grassroots
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More About This Title The Future That Has Come: New Possibilities forReaching and Growing the Grassroots


Kennon L. Callahan, Ph.D., today's most sought-after church consultant, has worked with thousands of congregations across the planet over the past four decades. He is the author of many books, including his best known work, Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, which has formed the basis for the widely acclaimed movement of mission growth.



1. Movement.

2. Motivations, Grass Roots, Key Leaders.

3. Stars, Universe, and Beyond.

4. The Cultural Shift to Excellent Sprinters.

5. The Nature of Mission in Our Time.

6. Creativity and Objectives.

7. A Focus on the Whole of Life.

The Author.



"This book is for congregations, pastors, and leaders looking forward to living in the future that has come. It is for persons who seek to build strong, healthy lives and strong, healthy congregations in the grace of God. It is for persons who want to reach and to grow the grassroots."
— Kennon L. Callahan, The Future That Has Come

"The twenty-first century is the century of small, strong congregations. More people will be drawn to small, strong congregations than any other kind of congregation. Yes, there are mega-congregations; their number is increasing greatly; Nevertheless, across the planet, the vast majority of congregations will be small and strong, and the vast majority of people will be in these congregations."
— Kennon L. Callahan, Small, Strong Congregations

"Money follows mission, not the reverse. This is a shorthand way of saying that the stronger the congregation's relational characteristics, the easier it is to raise money. The stronger the congregation's mission, visitation, groupings, leadership, and decision making, the stronger the giving."
— Kennon L. Callahan, Giving and Stewardship in an Effective Church

"This book is for pastors and congregations who look forward to a new beginning. Congregations and pastors will benefit in developing an excellent match with one another, building upon their mutual, shared strengths. "
— Kennon L. Callahan, A New Beginning for Pastors and Congregations

Praise for Twelve Keys to an Effective Church

"The church has had to wait too long for this indispensable material. Dr. Callahan's careful attention to detail and practical church programming is balanced by a depth of technological understanding and an earnest desire to help the church move from maintenance to mission. This book will give direction to the church for many years to come."
— George Morris, Institute for World Evangelism
