The Performance Consultant's Fieldbook: Tools andTechniques for Improving Organizations and People(with 3.5 Floppy Disk IBM Format)
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More About This Title The Performance Consultant's Fieldbook: Tools andTechniques for Improving Organizations and People(with 3.5 Floppy Disk IBM Format)


JUDITH HALE is the president of Hale Associates, a consulting firm specializing in performance management, performance improvement systems, and strategic planning. She has contributed to or edited many published works, including Designing Work Groups, Jobs, and Work Flow (1995) and Designing Cross-Functional Business Processes (1995), both published by Jossey-Bass, as well as The Guidebook for Performance Improvement (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 1997). The recipient of several professional awards and honors, Hale is an active member of both ASTD and ISPI.



Chapter 1: Measurement.

Chapter 2: Analysis.

Chapter 3: Interventions.

Chapter 4: Introduction to Performance Consulting.

Chapter 5: Theory.

Chapter 6: Skills and Credibility.

Chapter 7: Getting Started.

Chapter 8: Tying It All Together.


Everyone in the performance improvement industry should have a copy of [Hale's] book sitting on their desk for easy reference at all times. (Gwen Nichols-White, training manager, Siemens Medical Systems)

A pragmatic guide for novice through expert performance consultants. The examples reflect real-world situations and show you how to apply what is presented. The customizable tools provide consistency when you're starting out and flexibility when you want to modify them based on your experience. (Nina Adams, president, Adams Consulting Group)

Judy Hale shares wisdom gained from years in the field of improving human performance through these tools for practitioners and would-be practitioners of performance consulting. (Dean Larson, Ph.D., department manager, safety and industrial hygiene, U.S. Steel)

Hale has done an outstanding job in this book of contributing to anyone's use of performance technology. (Danny Langdon, president, Performance International)
