Photoshop CS2 Bible
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Photoshop CS2 Bible


Deke McClelland. Born near Verona in 1511, he was once the most popular portrait painter in all of Florence. His career came to a grinding halt a few centuries later with the advent of photography. Broken, penniless, and deeply resentful, Deke dedicated his energies to the development of a pathogen so insidious that it would one day contaminate each and every photograph on the planet. Code named the Pernicious Instrument of eXtreme EviL (or “pixel” for short), Deke smuggled his terrible creation into The New World and set it free. When his invention turned out to help rather than hurt photography, he went quite mad. He now inflicts his revenge by writing educational books and hosting training videos.
His most sinister books are the award-winning Photoshop CS2 Bible and Photoshop CS2 Bible, Professional Edition, now in their 12th year with more copies in print than any other guides on computer graphics. Other subversive titles include Photoshop CS For Dummies and Photoshop Elements For Dummies (both Wiley Publishing, Inc.).

Laurie Ulrich Fuller. An artist through heredity and education, a teacher by nature, and a writer since she was old enough to pick up a crayon, Laurie Ulrich Fuller is a graphic artist, computer trainer, and the author and co-author of more than 25 books on computers, software, and the Web. Laurie has written hundreds of training manuals for universities and corporate training centers, and in the past 15 years, she’s personally trained thousands of people to make more creative and effective use of their computers. Her classroom has recently expanded to include total strangers she’ll never lay eyes on — through CD-based training products available from both Total Training and VTC.



Part I: Welcome to Photoshop.

Chapter 1: Introducing Photoshop CS2.

Chapter 2: Inside Photoshop.

Chapter 3: Image Management.

Part II: Painting and Retouching.

Chapter 4: Defining Colors.

Chapter 5: Painting and Brushes.

Chapter 6: Filling and Stroking.

Chapter 7: Retouching and Restoring.

Part III: Selections, Masks, and Filters.

Chapter 8: Selections and Paths.

Chapter 9: Masks and Extractions.

Chapter 10: Corrective Filtering.

Chapter 11: Distortions and Effects.

Part IV: Layers, Objects, and Text.

Chapter 12: Working with Layers.

Chapter 13: The Wonders of Blend Modes.

Chapter 14: Shapes and Styles.

Chapter 15: Fully Editable Text.

Part V: Color and Output.

Chapter 16: Essential Color Management.

Chapter 17: Mapping and Adjusting Colors.

Chapter 18: Printing and Publishing with Photoshop.

Appendix: The Keyboard, Menus, and Making Photoshop Your Own.

