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More About This Title Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX
- English
Stephen Quinn was born in San Luis Obispo, California. Stephen has a Masters degree (1988) in Cognitive Psychology from California State University, Chico and is scheduled to receive his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Washington, Seattle, in June 2006. Stephen is married to Katherine and is raising his daughter, Anastasia. He has been in most roles common to the R&D environment i.e., software developer, technical writer, technical support specialist and several quality assurance roles. Stephen has published some 20 articles in the magazines Byte, InfoWorld and Datamation. With 15+ years of software experience; Stephen has worked the last 8 years at Microsoft; most recently as a Technical Writer in SQL User Education and before that, for several years as Test Manager in the SQL Business Intelligence Unit. You can reach Stephen at [email protected].
- English
Part One: Introduction.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Warehousing and Analysis Services 2005.
Chapter 2: First Look at Analysis Services 2005.
Chapter 3: Introduction to MDX.
Chapter 4: Working with Data Sources and Data Source Views.
Chapter 5: Dimension Design.
Chapter 6: Cube Design.
Part Two: Advanced Topics.
Chapter 7: Advanced Topics in MDX.
Chapter 8: Advanced Dimension Design.
Chapter 9: Advanced Cube Design.
Chapter 10: Extending MDX using External Functions.
Part Three: Administration, Performance Tuning Integration.
Chapter 11: Updating Your UDM Data.
Chapter 12: Administering Analysis Services.
Chapter 13: Performance Optimization.
Chapter 14: Data Mining.
Chapter 15: Analyzing Cubes using Office Client Components.
Chapter 16: Integration Services.
Part Four: Scenarios.
Chapter 17: Reporting Services.
Chapter 18: Designing Real-Time Cubes.
Chapter 19: Securing Your Data in Analysis Services.
Appendix: MDX Function and Operator Reference.