Value Drivers - The Manager's Framework forIdentifying the Drivers of Corporate ValueCreation (Paper Only)
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More About This Title Value Drivers - The Manager's Framework forIdentifying the Drivers of Corporate ValueCreation (Paper Only)


Mark C. Scott value drivers How does my company actually work? How do I become a better manager? How can I fit these pieces together to get ahead? The Manager's Guide to Driving Corporate Value Creation These questions are answered in this book. Mark Scott has created an easy-to-understand visual framework and the practical tools that will enhance any manager's performance. He teaches you how to recognize what your own organization does well and what it does badly. The tools provided will help you make crucial improvements in your own area of responsibility within your organization. "In a decade where most management books wax lyrical on consulting fads for the boardroom, it focuses on the solid, unglamorous but essential ground of helping managers and employees diagnose performance and take action for themselves." Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer, WPP Group PLC "Effective strategy is something that is lived everyday by managers at the coal face through a continual process of analysis, learning, refinement and application. This book is a useful primer for time-pressed managers who want to know how to add value to their companies' strategies." Professor John Quelch, Dean, London Business School "Our business is founded on smart, independent thinking professionals helping clients solve complex problems. Any book that can give people better tools to understand these problems is useful. Unlike many I read, this is a useful book." Terence M. Graunke, Chairman, Lighthouse Holdings Inc


Why are Firms in Business in the First Place?


Ranking SBUs.

Corporate Strategy Revisited.

How Well is the Firm Doing?

Understanding the Market Context.

Core Competencies.

Core Competencies Revisited.

Back to Corporate Strategy.

Back to the Bottom Line.



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