Design of Reinforced Concrete Tenth Edition
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Design of Reinforced Concrete, 10th Edition by Jack McCormac and Russell Brown, introduces the fundamentals of reinforced concrete design in a clear and comprehensive manner and grounded in the basic principles of mechanics of solids. Students build on their understanding of basic mechanics to learn new concepts such as compressive stress and strain in concrete, while applying current ACI Code.


Jack C. McCormac is Alumni Distinguished Professor o Civil Engineering, Emeritus at Clemson University. He holds a BS in civil engineering from the Citadel, an MS in civil engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Doctor of Letters from Clemson University. His contributions to engineering education and the engineering profession have been recognized by many, including the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Institute of Steel Construction, and the American Concrete Institute. Professor McCormac was included in the International Who's Who in Engineering, and was named by the Engineering News-Record as one of the top 125 engineers or architects in the world in the last 125 years for his contributions to the construction industry. He was one of only two educators living in the world today to receive this honor. Professor McCormac belongs to the American Society of Civil Engineers and served as the principal civil engineering grader for the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying for many years.


Preface xi

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, 1

1.2 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete as a Structural Material, 1

1.3 Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete as a Structural Material, 2

1.4 Historical Background, 3

1.5 Comparison of Reinforced Concrete and Structural Steel for Buildings and Bridges, 5

1.6 Compatibility of Concrete and Steel, 6

1.7 Design Codes, 6

1.8 Summary of 2014 ACI Code Changes, 7

1.9 SI Units and Shaded Areas, 7

1.10 Types of Portland Cement, 8

1.11 Admixtures, 9

1.12 Properties of Concrete, 10

1.13 Aggregates, 17

1.14 High-Strength Concretes, 18

1.15 Fiber-Reinforced Concretes, 20

1.16 Concrete Durability, 21

1.17 Reinforcing Steel, 21

1.18 Grades of Reinforcing Steel, 23

1.19 SI Bar Sizes and Material Strengths, 24

1.20 Corrosive Environments, 26

1.21 Identifying Marks on Reinforcing Bars, 26

1.22 Introduction to Loads, 26

1.23 Dead Loads, 27

1.24 Live Loads, 28

1.25 Environmental Loads, 30

1.26 Selection of Design Loads, 31

1.27 Calculation Accuracy, 32

1.28 Impact of Computers on Reinforced Concrete Design, 33

Problems, 33

2 Flexural Analysis of Beams 34

2.1 Introduction, 34

2.2 Cracking Moment, 37

2.3 Elastic Stresses—Concrete Cracked, 40

2.4 Ultimate or Nominal Flexural Moments, 47

2.5 SI Example, 50

2.6 Computer Examples, 51

Problems, 53

3 Strength Analysis of Beams According to ACI Code 64

3.1 Design Methods, 64

3.2 Advantages of Strength Design, 65

3.3 Structural Safety, 65

3.4 Derivation of Beam Expressions, 66

3.5 Strains in Flexural Members, 69

3.6 Balanced Sections, Tension-Controlled Sections, and Compression-Controlled or Brittle Sections, 70

3.7 Strength Reduction or 𝜙 Factors, 70

3.8 Minimum Percentage of Steel, 72

3.9 Balanced Steel Percentage, 74

3.10 Example Problems, 75

3.11 Computer Examples, 79

Problems, 79

4 Design of Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs 81

4.1 Load Factors, 81

4.2 Design of Rectangular Beams, 83

4.3 Beam Design Examples, 88

4.4 Miscellaneous Beam Considerations, 94

4.5 Determining Steel Area When Beam Dimensions Are Predetermined, 95

4.6 Bundled Bars, 97

4.7 One-Way Slabs, 98

4.8 Cantilever Beams and Continuous Beams, 101

4.9 SI Example, 102

4.10 Computer Example, 104

Problems, 105

5 Analysis and Design of T Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 110

5.1 T Beams, 110

5.2 Analysis of T Beams, 112

5.3 Another Method for Analyzing T Beams, 116

5.4 Design of T Beams, 117

5.5 Design of T Beams for Negative Moments, 123

5.6 L-Shaped Beams, 125

5.7 Compression Steel, 125

5.8 Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams, 130

5.9 SI Examples, 134

5.10 Computer Examples, 136

Problems, 141

6 Serviceability 152

6.1 Introduction, 152

6.2 Importance of Deflections, 152

6.3 Control of Deflections, 153

6.4 Calculation of Deflections, 154

6.5 Effective Moments of Inertia, 154

6.6 Long-Term Deflections, 157

6.7 Simple-Beam Deflections, 159

6.8 Continuous-Beam Deflections, 161

6.9 Types of Cracks, 167

6.10 Control of Flexural Cracks, 168

6.11 ACI Code Provisions Concerning Cracks, 171

6.12 SI Example, 172

6.13 Miscellaneous Cracks, 173

6.14 Computer Example, 173

Problems, 175

7 Bond, Development Lengths, and Splices 180

7.1 Cutting Off or Bending Bars, 180

7.2 Bond Stresses, 183

7.3 Development Lengths for Tension Reinforcement, 185

7.4 Development Lengths for Bundled Bars, 193

7.5 Hooks, 194

7.6 Development Lengths for Welded Wire Fabric in Tension, 200

7.7 Development Lengths for Compression Bars, 201

7.8 Critical Sections for Development Length, 203

7.9 Effect of Combined Shear and Moment on Development Lengths, 203

7.10 Effect of Shape of Moment Diagram on Development Lengths, 204

7.11 Cutting Off or Bending Bars (Continued), 205

7.12 Bar Splices in Flexural Members, 208

7.13 Tension Splices, 209

7.14 Compression Splices, 210

7.15 Headed and Mechanically Anchored Bars, 211

7.16 SI Example, 212

7.17 Computer Example, 213

Problems, 214

8 Shear and Diagonal Tension 220

8.1 Introduction, 220

8.2 Shear Stresses in Concrete Beams, 220

8.3 Lightweight Concrete, 221

8.4 Shear Strength of Concrete, 221

8.5 Shear Cracking of Reinforced Concrete Beams, 223

8.6 Web Reinforcement, 224

8.7 Behavior of Beams with Web Reinforcement, 225

8.8 Design for Shear, 227

8.9 ACI Code Requirements, 229

8.10 Shear Design Example Problems, 233

8.11 Economical Spacing of Stirrups, 243

8.12 Shear Friction and Corbels, 245

8.13 Shear Strength of Members Subjected to Axial Forces, 247

8.14 Shear Design Provisions for Deep Beams, 249

8.15 Introductory Comments on Torsion, 250

8.16 SI Example, 252

8.17 Computer Example, 253

Problems, 254

9 Introduction to Columns 259

9.1 General, 259

9.2 Types of Columns, 260

9.3 Axial Load Capacity of Columns, 262

9.4 Failure of Tied and Spiral Columns, 262

9.5 Code Requirements for Cast-in-Place Columns, 265

9.6 Safety Provisions for Columns, 267

9.7 Design Formulas, 268

9.8 Comments on Economical Column Design, 269

9.9 Design of Axially Loaded Columns, 270

9.10 SI Example, 273

9.11 Computer Example, 274

Problems, 275

10 Design of Short Columns Subject to Axial Load and Bending 277

10.1 Axial Load and Bending, 277

10.2 The Plastic Centroid, 278

10.3 Development of Interaction Diagrams, 280

10.4 Use of Interaction Diagrams, 286

10.5 Code Modifications of Column Interaction Diagrams, 288

10.6 Design and Analysis of Eccentrically Loaded Columns Using Interaction Diagrams, 289

10.7 Shear in Columns, 297

10.8 Biaxial Bending, 298

10.9 Design of Biaxially Loaded Columns, 302

10.10 Continued Discussion of Capacity Reduction Factors, 𝜙, 305

10.11 Computer Example, 306

Problems, 308

11 Slender Columns 313

11.1 Introduction, 313

11.2 Nonsway and Sway Frames, 313

11.3 Slenderness Effects, 314

11.4 Determining k Factors with Alignment Charts, 316

11.5 Determining k Factors with Equations, 318

11.6 First-Order Analyses Using Special Member Properties, 319

11.7 Slender Columns in Nonsway and Sway Frames, 320

11.8 ACI Code Treatments of Slenderness Effects, 323

11.9 Magnification of Column Moments in Nonsway Frames, 323

11.10 Magnification of Column Moments in Sway Frames, 328

11.11 Analysis of Sway Frames, 331

11.12 Computer Examples, 337

Problems, 340

12 Footings 343

12.1 Introduction, 343

12.2 Types of Footings, 343

12.3 Actual Soil Pressures, 345

12.4 Allowable Soil Pressures, 346

12.5 Design of Wall Footings, 348

12.6 Design of Square Isolated Footings, 353

12.7 Footings Supporting Round or Regular Polygon-Shaped Columns, 359

12.8 Load Transfer from Columns to Footings, 359

12.9 Rectangular Isolated Footings, 364

12.10 Combined Footings, 367

12.11 Footing Design for Equal Settlements, 373

12.12 Footings Subjected to Axial Loads and Moments, 375

12.13 Transfer of Horizontal Forces, 377

12.14 Plain Concrete Footings, 378

12.15 SI Example, 381

12.16 Computer Examples, 383

Problems, 386

13 Retaining Walls 389

13.1 Introduction, 389

13.2 Types of Retaining Walls, 389

13.3 Drainage, 392

13.4 Failures of Retaining Walls, 393

13.5 Lateral Pressure on Retaining Walls, 393

13.6 Footing Soil Pressures, 398

13.7 Design of Semigravity Retaining Walls, 399

13.8 Effect of Surcharge, 402

13.9 Estimating the Sizes of Cantilever Retaining Walls, 403

13.10 Design Procedure for Cantilever Retaining Walls, 407

13.11 Cracks and Wall Joints, 418

Problems, 420

14 Continuous Reinforced Concrete Structures 425

14.1 Introduction, 425

14.2 General Discussion of Analysis Methods, 425

14.3 Qualitative Influence Lines, 425

14.4 Limit Design, 428

14.5 Limit Design under the ACI Code, 435

14.6 Preliminary Design of Members, 438

14.7 Approximate Analysis of Continuous Frames for Vertical Loads, 438

14.8 Approximate Analysis of Continuous Frames for Lateral Loads, 448

14.9 Computer Analysis of Building Frames, 451

14.10 Lateral Bracing for Buildings, 452

14.11 Development Length Requirements for Continuous Members, 452

Problems, 458

15 Torsion 463

15.1 Introduction, 463

15.2 Torsional Reinforcing, 464

15.3 Torsional Moments That Have to Be Considered in Design, 467

15.4 Torsional Stresses, 468

15.5 When Torsional Reinforcement Is Required by the ACI, 469

15.6 Torsional Moment Strength, 470

15.7 Design of Torsional Reinforcing, 471

15.8 Additional ACI Requirements, 472

15.9 Example Problems Using U.S. Customary Units, 473

15.10 SI Equations and Example Problem, 476

15.11 Computer Example, 480

Problems, 481

16 Two-Way Slabs, Direct Design Method 485

16.1 Introduction, 485

16.2 Analysis of Two-Way Slabs, 488

16.3 Design of Two-Way Slabs by the ACI Code, 488

16.4 Column and Middle Strips, 489

16.5 Shear Resistance of Slabs, 490

16.6 Depth Limitations and Stiffness Requirements, 492

16.7 Limitations of Direct Design Method, 498

16.8 Distribution of Moments in Slabs, 498

16.9 Design of an Interior Flat Plate, 504

16.10 Placing of Live Loads, 508

16.11 Analysis of Two-Way Slabs with Beams, 509

16.12 Transfer of Moments and Shears between Slabs and Columns, 515

16.13 Openings in Slab Systems, 520

16.14 Computer Example, 521

Problems, 523

17 Two-Way Slabs, Equivalent Frame Method 524

17.1 Moment Distribution for Nonprismatic Members, 524

17.2 Introduction to the Equivalent Frame Method, 525

17.3 Properties of Slab Beams, 527

17.4 Properties of Columns, 530

17.5 Example Problem, 532

17.6 Computer Analysis, 536

17.7 Computer Example, 537

Problems, 538

18 Walls 539

18.1 Introduction, 539

18.2 Non-Load-Bearing Walls, 539

18.3 Load-Bearing Concrete Walls—Empirical Design Method, 540

18.4 Load-Bearing Concrete Walls—Rational Design, 543

18.5 Shear Walls, 545

18.6 ACI Provisions for Shear Walls, 549

18.7 Economy in Wall Construction, 555

18.8 Computer Example, 555

Problems, 557

19 Prestressed Concrete 559

19.1 Introduction, 559

19.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Prestressed Concrete, 561

19.3 Pretensioning and Posttensioning, 561

19.4 Materials Used for Prestressed Concrete, 562

19.5 Stress Calculations, 564

19.6 Shapes of Prestressed Sections, 568

19.7 Prestress Losses, 570

19.8 Ultimate Strength of Prestressed Sections, 573

19.9 Deflections, 576

19.10 Shear in Prestressed Sections, 580

19.11 Design of Shear Reinforcement, 582

19.12 Additional Topics, 586

19.13 Computer Example, 588

Problems, 589

20 Reinforced Concrete Masonry (Online only at 1

20.1 Introduction, 1

20.2 Masonry Materials, 1

20.3 Specified Compressive Strength of Masonry, 5

20.4 Maximum Flexural Tensile Reinforcement, 6

20.5 Walls with Out-of-Plane Loads—Non-Load-Bearing Walls, 6

20.6 Masonry Lintels, 10

20.7 Walls with Out-of-Plane Loads—Load-Bearing Walls, 15

20.8 Walls with In-Plane Loading—Shear Walls, 22

20.9 Computer Example, 27

Problems, 29

A Tables and Graphs: U.S. Customary Units 593

B Tables in SI Units 631

C The Strut-and-Tie Method of Design (Online only at 1

C.1 Introduction, 1

C.2 Deep Beams, 1

C.3 Shear Span and Behavior Regions, 1

C.4 Truss Analogy, 3

C.5 Definitions, 4

C.6 ACI Code Requirements for Strut-and-Tie Design, 4

C.7 Selecting a Truss Model, 6

C.8 Angles of Struts in Truss Models, 8

C.9 Design Procedure, 8

D Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (Online only at 1

D.1 Introduction, 1

D.2 Maximum Considered Earthquake, 2

D.3 Soil Site Class, 2

D.4 Risk and Importance Factors, 4

D.5 Seismic Design Categories, 5

D.6 Seismic Design Loads, 5

D.7 Detailing Requirements for Different Classes of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frames, 9

Problems, 16

Glossary 637

Index 641
