Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting (LMPC)
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More About This Title Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting (LMPC)


This book offers a blend of academic and industrial papers on topics including advances in controls and process simulation, ingot defect formation and characterization studies, and process parameter-material properties characterization. The collection includes papers on the following topics: Primary and Secondary Melt Processing including VIM, VAR, ESR, EBCHR, Plasma MeltingPhysical Property Measurements of Liquid MetalsCasting and Solidification of Liquid MetalsModeling of Metallurgical Processes including Heat/Mass Flow Modeling of Liquid Metal and SolidificationCeramic, Slag and Refractory Reactions with Liquid MetalsRefining, Evaporation and Gas/Metal ReactionsFundamentals of Reactions Involving Liquid Metals in Productions Processes


Preface ix

About the Editors xi

Electroslag Remelting

Computational Modeling of Electroslag Remelting (ESR) Process Used for the Production of High-Performance Alloys 3
K. Kelkar, S. Patankar, S. Srivatsa, R. Minisandram, D. Evans, J. deBarbadillo, R. Smith, R. Helmink, A. Mitchell, and H. Sizek

A Numerical Study on the Influence of the Frequency of the Applied AC Current on the Electroslag Remelting Process 13
E. Sibaki, A. Kharicha, M. Wu, A. Ludwig, H. Holzgruber, B. Ofner, and M. Ramprecht

A Thermodynamic Database for the Al203-CaF2-CaO System 21
L. Kjellqvist, P. Mason, Q. Chen, and K. Wu

Influence of the Polarity on the Cleanliness Level and the Inclusion Types in the ESR Process 29
A. Paar, R. Schneider, P. Zeller, G. Reiter, S. Paul, I. Siller, and P. Wurzinger

Hot Test and Simulation of ESR Hollow Ingots Formation in Current Supplying Mould with Electrodes Change 37
X. Chen, Z. Jiang, L. Medovar, F. Liu, G. Stovpchenko, B. Fedorovskii, L. Vitalii, X. Zang, and X. Deng

Design of ESR Slags According to Requested Physical Properties; Part 2: Density and Viscosity 43
K. Wroblewski, B. DiBiaso, J. Fraley, J. Fields, and S. Rudoler

Predicting Melting Behavior of an Industrial Electroslag Remelting Ingot 47
J. Yanke, K. Fezi, M. Fahrmann, and M. Krane

Operational Experience of Large Sized ESR Plants and Attainable Quality of ESR Ingots with a Diameter of Up to 2600mm 57
M. Kubin, A. Scheriau, M. Knabl, H. Holzgruber, and H. Kawakami

Experimental Research on the Absorption of Fluorine in Gamma-TiAl during Electroslag Remelting 65
P. Spiess and B. Friedrich

A Parametric Study of Slag Skin Formation in Electroslag Remelting 71
J. Yanke and M. Krane

Impact of the Solidified Slag Skin on the Current Distribution during Electroslag Remelting 79
M. Hugo, B. Dussoubs, A. Jardy, J. Escaffre, and H. Poisson

Investigation of Slag Compositions and Pressure Ranges Suitable for Electroslag Remelting under Vacuum Conditions 87
S. Radwitz, H. Scholz, and B. Friedrich

Contribution of the Mould Current to the Ingot Surface Quality in the Electroslag Remelting Process 95
A. Kharicha, E. Sibaki, M. Wu, and A. Ludwig

Mechanisms of Calcium Oxide Dissolution in CaO-Al203-Si02-Based Slags 101
M. Guo, Z. Sun, X. Guo, and B. Blanpain

Effect of Fluoride Containing Slag on Oxide Inclusions in Electroslag Ingot 109
Y. Dong, Z. Jiang, Y. Cao, J. Fan, A. Yu, and F. Liu

Production of High Quality Die Steels from Large ESR Slab Ingots 115
X. Geng, Z. Jiang, H. Li, F. Liu, and X. Li

A Study of Slag and Steel Leakage Influence Factors during Electroslag Remelting Withdrawing Process 119
X. Zang, Z. Jiang, H. Song, F, Liu, X. Deng, X. Chen, and C. Han

Factors Affecting Surface Quality of Ingot Produced by Electroslag Continuous Casting with Liquid Metal 123
X. Deng, Z. Jiang, and X. Zang

Mathematical Model of Solidification during Electroslag Casting of Pilger Roll 127
F. Liu, H. Li, Z. Jiang, Y. Dong, X. Chen, X. Geng, and X. Zang

Introducing Carbon Nanoparticles in Titanium during Chamber Electroslag Remelting (CHESR) 133
A. Ryabtsev, B. Friedrich, F. Leokha, S. Ratiev, O. Snizhko, P. Spiess, and S. Radwitz

Evolution of ESR Technology and Equipment for Long Hollow Ingots Manufacture 137
L. Medovar, G. Stovpchenko, G. Dudka, A. Kozminskiy, B. Fedorovskii, V. Lebid, and I. Gusiev

Variation of the Resistance during the Electrode Movement in the Electroslag Remelting Process 145
A. Kharicha, M. Wu, and A. Ludwig

Modeling Macrosegregation during Electroslag Remelting of Alloy 625 151
K. Fezi, J. Yanke, and M. Krane

Comparison of Arc Slag Remelting vs. P-ESR Melting for High Nitrogen Steels 159
R. Ritzenhoff, L. Medovar, V. Petrenko, and G. Stovpchenko


Numerical Simulation of Macrosegregation in 570-Ton Low-Alloyed Steel Ingot 165
T. Sawada and K. Kajikawa

Using a Three-Phase Mixed Columnar-Equiaxed Solidification Model to Study Macrosegregation in Ingot Castings: Perspectives and Limitations 171
M. Wu, J. Li, A. Kharicha, and A. Ludwig

Effect of Solidification Front Angle on Freckle Formation in Alloy 625 181
K. Kajikawa, M. Tanaka, T. Sawada, and S. Suzuki

The Behaviour of Entrainment Defects in Aluminium Alloy Castings 187
W. Griffiths, A. Caden, and M. El-Sayed

Inclusion Behavior in Steel and Aluminum Making Reactors 193
J. Bellot, O. Mirgaux, and A. Jardy

Modeling the Titanium Nitride (TiN) Germination and Growth during the Solidification of a Maraging Steel 201
V. Descotes, J. Bellot, S. Witzke, and A. Jardy

Thermodynamics for the Influence of Slag Composition on the Inclusion Control in Semi-Killed Liquid Steels 207
J. Park and J. Park

The Influence of Different Melting and Remelting Routes on the Cleanliness of High Alloyed Steels 213
G. Reiter, W. Schuetzenhoefer, A. Tazreiter, C. Martinez, P. Wuerzinger, and C. Loecker

Refinement of Primary and Eutectic Silicon Particles in Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys Using an Applied Electric Potential 219
A. Plotkowski and P. Anyalebechi

Characterization of Bifilms and Oxide Inclusions in Investment Cast IN 100 229
M. Kaplan and G. Fuchs

Vacuum Arc Remelting

Application of a Model for Simulating the Vacuum Arc Remelting Process in Titanium Alloys 241
A. Pat el, D. Tripp, andD. Fiore

Controlling Liquid Pool Depth in VAR of a 21.6cm Diameter Ingot of Alloy 718 245
F. Lopez, J. Beaman, R. Williamson, E. Taleff, and T. Watt

Simulation of Radiation Heat Transfer in a VAR Furnace Using an Electrical Resistance Network 253
A. Ballantyne

Solidification Mapping of a Nickel Alloy 718 Laboratory VAR Ingot 261
T. Watt, E. Taleff, F. Lopez, J. Beaman, andR. Williamson

Aluminum Processing

Improvement of Mechanical Properties of HPDC A356 Alloy through Melt Quenching Process 273
S. Ji, W. Yang, B. Jiang, andZ. Fan

Review of Hot Tearing Studies in Al Alloys during Direct Chill Casting 277
A. Nallathambi, P. Penumakala, andE. Specht

Effect of Sonotrode Design on Simultaneous Grain Refinement and Degassing of Al Alloys by Ultrasound 283
J. Youn, Y. Lee, K. Jung, B. Choi, and Y. Kim


Liquid Metal Engineering by Application of Intensive Melt Shearing 291
J. Patel, Y. Zuo, and Z. Fan
