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More About This Title Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology, Water Science and Application 5
- English
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Water Science and Application Series, Volume 5.
Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology is a milestone publication with contributions to basic and applied science. Studies in hydrology, climatology, hydraulics, geochronology, geomorphology, and stratigraphy highlight recent advances in tools, techniques, and methods for interpreting the physical evidence of large floods. The papers in this volume illustrate a range of important topics, including:
how paleoflood hydrology provides a basis for the estimation of flood magnitude and frequency for flood hazard analysisthe relationship between climate variability and flood frequencyadvances in the hydraulic modeling of floodsnew applications of remote sensing technologysuperior understanding of the sedimentology, stratigraphy, and chronology of flood depositsinsight into geographic and geologic controls on floodsA unique volume, this work offers a wealth of information to anyone involved in the study of flood science.
- English
P. Kyle House, Robert H. Webb, Victor R. Baker, and Daniel R. Levish v
The Scientific and Societal Value of Paleofiood Hydrology
Victor R. Baker, Robert H. Webb, and P. Kyle House 1
Climate Variability and Flood Frequency at Decadal to Millennial Time Scales
Kelly T. Redmond, Yehouda Enzel, P.Kyle House, and Franco Biondi 21
Principles and Methods
Paleofiood Reconstruction on Floodplains Using Geophysical Survey Data and Hydraulic Modeling
Geoff Pickup, Alan Marks, and Mary Bourke 47
Mapping Flood Inundation in SouthwesternA rizona Using Landsat TM Data: A Method for Rapid Regional Flood Assessmen Following Large Storms
Larry Mayer and Philip A. Pearthree 61
Dendrochronologic Evidence for the Frequency and Magnitude of Paleofioods
Thomas M. Yanosky and Robert D. Jarrett 77
Reliability of Paleostage Indicators for Paleofiood Studies
Robert D. Jarrett and John E England, Jr. 91
One-Dimensional Estimation Techniques for Discharges of Paleofioods and Historical Floods
Robert H. Webb and Robert D. Jarrett 111
Robust Determination of Stage and Discharge: An Example From an Extreme Flood
on the Verde River, Arizona
Roger P. Denlinger, D. R. H. O'Connell, and P. Kyle House 127
Initial Motion of Boulders in Bedrock Channels
PaulA. Carling, Mark Hoffmann, and Andrea S. Blatter 147
Bias and Information Content of Paleoflood Data in Flood-Frequency Analysis
J. B. Blainey, R. H. Webb, M. E. Moss, and V. R. Baker 161
Paleohydrologic Bounds-Non-ExceedanceI nformation for Flood Hazard Assessment
Daniel R. Levish 175
Cosmogenic 3He Ages and Geochemical Discrimination of Lava-Dam Outburst-Flood Deposits
in Western Grand Canyon, Arizona
Casandra R. Fenton 191
Evaluation of Glacial Outburst Flood Hypothesis for the Big Lost River, Idaho
Keith L. Knudsen, Janet M. Sowers, Dean A. Ostenaa, and Daniel R. Levish 217
Watershed Scale and the Stratigraphic Record of Large Floods
J. C. Knox and J. M. Daniels 237
Slackwater Deposits as Paleostage Indicators in Canyon Reaches of the Central Appalachians:
Reevaluation After the 1996 Cheat River Flood
J. Steven Kite, Terry W. Gebhardt, and Gregory S. Springer 257
Historical Flood and Paleofiood Chronology of the Lower Verde River, Arizona: Stratigraphic Evidence and Related Uncertainties
P. Kyle House, Philip A. Pearthree, and Jeanne E. Klawon 267
Paleofiood Hydrology of the Paria River, Southern Utah and Northern Arizona, USA
R. H. Webb, J. B. Blainey, and D. W. Hyndman 295
Paleofloods and the Estimation of Long Term Transmission Losses and Recharge to the Lower Nahal Zin Alluvial Aquifer, Negev Desert, Israel
Noam Greenbaum, Uri Schwartz, Asher P. Schick, and Yehouda Enzel 311
Caves and Their Potential Use in Paleoflood Studies
Gregory S. Springer 329
Modeled Paleofiood Hydraulics as a Tool for Interpreting Bedrock Channel Morphology
Ellen Wohl 345
The Geology and Geography of Floods
Jim E. O'Connor 359