The Embryonic Human Brain: An Atlas of Developmental Stages, Third Edition
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More About This Title The Embryonic Human Brain: An Atlas of Developmental Stages, Third Edition


RONAN O'RAHILLY, MD, DSc, Dr hc, is Professor Emeritus of Human Anatomy and Neurology in the University of California at Davis, and FABIOLA MÜLLER, Dr HABIL RER NAT, was formerly research embryologist at the Carnegie Laboratories of Embryology in the University of California at Davis.


Preface to the Third Edition.

1. Historical Aspects.

2. Techniques.

3. Prenatal Measurements.

4. Embryonic Staging.

5. Prenatal Age.

6. Terminology.

7. Early Stages.

8. Stage 8: The First Appearance of the Nervous System.

9. Stage 9: The Major Divisions of the Brain.

10. Stage 10: The Neural Tube and the Optic Primordium.

11. Stage 11: Closure of the Rostral Neuropore.

12. Stage 12: Closure of the Caudal Neuropore and the Beginning of Secondary Neurulation.

13. Stage 13: The Closed Neural Tube and the First Appearance of the Cerebellum.

14. Stage 14: The Future Cerebral Hemispheres.

15. Stage 15: Longitudinal Zoning in the Diencephalon.

16. Stage 16: Evagination of the Neurohypophysis.

17. Stage 17: The Future Olfactory Bulbs and the First Amygdaloid Nuclei.

18. Stage 18: The Future Corpus Striatum, the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncles, and the Dentate Nucleus.

19. Stage 19: The Choroid Plexus of the Fourth Ventricle and the Medial Accessory Olivary Nucleus.

20. Stage 20: The Choroid Plexus of the Lateral Ventricles, the Optic and Habenular Commissures, and the Interpeduncular and Septal Nuclei.

21. Stage 21: The First Appearance of the Cortical Plate in the Cerebral Hemispheres.

22. Stage 22: The Internal Capsule and the Olfactory Bulbs.

23. Stage 23: The Brain at the End of the Embryonic Period.

24. Trimester 1, Postembryonic Phase.

Early Postembryonic Phase.

Later Postembryonic Phase.

25. Trimester 2.

26. Trimester 3 and the Newborn.

Supplement: Early Postnatal Life.



Appendix 1: Changing Lengths of the Brain and its Subdivisions from 31/2 to 51/2 Weeks (Stages 9–16).

Appendix 2: Computer Ranking of the Sequence of Appearance of Features of the Brain.

Appendix 3: Sequence and Stage of Appearance of Median Features of the Brain

Appendix 4: Sequence and Stage of Appearance of Tracts of the Brain.

Appendix 5: Sequence and Stage of Appearance of Features Associated with the Rhombencephalon.



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