Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds
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More About This Title Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds


Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds, Second Edition provides a comprehensive reference to the gross and histologic features of diseases seen in pet and aviary birds, with more than 850 images depicting disease lesions.

• Provides a complete resource for identifying both common and not-so-common diseases in a wide range of avian species
• Includes more than 850 full-color images to show disease lesions
• Offers context for the interpretation of pathologic findings, promoting an understanding of the pathogenesis and epizootiology of disease
• Adds information on pigeons and chickens, pathophysiology, prognosis and trends, and globally relevant diseases
• Aids pathologists, diagnosticians, and avian veterinarians in identifying lesions in pet birds




Robert E. Schmidt, DVM, PhD, DACVP, is a consultant in veterinary pathology for veterinary diagnostic laboratories, zoological parks and aquariums, and veterinary practitioners specializing in diseases of birds, reptiles, fish, laboratory animals and zoo animals, based in Anthem, Arizona, USA.

Drury R. Reavill, DVM, DAVBP (Avian and Reptile & Amphibian Practice), DACVP, is a pathologist at the Zoo/Exotic Pathology Service in Carmichael, California, USA.  She provides diagnostic pathology services to exotic animal practitioners in clinical practices, zoological parks and aquariums, and animal rescue/rehabilitation facilities.

David N. Phalen, DVM, PhD, DAVBP (Avian Practice), is Associate Professor at the  University of Sydney in Camden, NSW, Australia where he teaches avian, exotic pet and wildlife medicine, provides diagnostic services to avian and exotic animal veterinarians, and  supervises the Masters of Wildlife Health and Population Management.


About the Authors, vii

Preface to the First Edition, ix

Preface to the Second Edition, xi

Acknowledgments, xiii

1 Cardiovascular System, 1

2 Respiratory System, 21

3 Gastrointestinal System and Pancreas, 55

4 Liver, 95

5 Urinary System, 127

6 Reproductive System, 145

7 Endocrine System, 161

8 Lymphatic and Hematopoietic System, 175

9 Musculoskeletal System, 199

10 Nervous System, 221

11 Integument, 237

12 Special Sense Organs, 263

13 Peritoneum and Mesenteries, 281

Index, 291


Compared with the first edition, which was published 16 years ago, the second edition of Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds has been substantially expanded to include information on chickens, pigeons, and a few wild birds. Perhaps the greatest improvement to this edition is the addition of many color figures including macrophotographs; photomicrographs of histologic, cytologic, and immunohistochemically stained specimens; and occasional electron micrographs of various pathological lesions.

The book is organized into 13 chapters, each devoted to a specific body system or organ. Each chapter begins with information regarding the normal gross and histologic anatomy of the system or organ being discussed, followed by descriptions of congenital anomalies and infectious and non-infectious diseases that affect that system or organ...

Overall...this is a good book that contains plenty of information supported by numerous figures. It will be a good reference for anyone interested in the pathology of pet and aviary birds.

(Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec 15th 2016)