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More About This Title Visualizing Environmental Science, Second Edition
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1. The Environmental Challenges We Face.
Introduction: A World in Crisis.
Human Impacts on the Environment.
Sustainability and Earthâ??s Capacity to Support Humans.
Environmental Science.
How We Handle Environmental Problems.
Case Study: The New Orleans Disaster.
2. Environmental Sustainability and Human Values.
Introduction: The Global Commons.
Human Use of the Earth.
Human Values and Environmental Problems.
Environmental Justice.
An Overall Plan for Sustainable Living.
Case Study: Jakarta, Indonesia.
3. Environmental History, Politics, and Economics.
Introduction: Old Growth Forest of the Pacific Northwest.
Conservation and Preservation of Resources.
Environmental History.
Environmental Legislation.
Environmental Economics.
Case Study: Environmental Problems in Central and Eastern Europe.
4. Risk Analysis and Environmental Health Hazards.
Introduction: Pesticides and Children.
A Perspective on Risks.
Environmental Health Hazards.
Movement and Fate of Toxicants.
How We Determine the Health Effects of Pollutants.
The Precautionary Principle.
Case Study: Endocrine Disrupters.
5. How Ecosystems Work.
Introduction: Lake Victoriaâ??s Ecological Imbalance.
What is Ecology?
The Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems.
The Cycling of Matter in Ecosystems.
Ecological Niches.
Interactions Among Organisms.
Case Study: Global Climate Change: Is There an Imbalance in the Carbon Cycle?
6. Ecosystems and Evolution.
Introduction: The Florida Everglades.
Earthâ??s Major Biomes.
Aquatic Ecosystems.
Population Responses to Changing Conditions Over Time: Evolution.
Community Responses to Changing Conditions over Time: Succession.
Case Study: Wildfires.
7. Human Population Change and the Environment.
Introduction: Slowing Population Growth in China.
Population Ecology.
Human Population Patterns.
Demographics of Countries.
Stabilizing World Population.
Population and Urbanization.
Case Study: Urban Planning in Curitiba, Brazil.
8. Air and Air Population.
Introduction: Long-Distance Transport of Air Pollution.
The Atmosphere.
Types and Sources of Air Pollution.
Effects of Air Pollution.
Controlling Air Pollutants.
Indoor Air Pollution.
Case Study: Curbing Air Pollution in Chattanooga.
9. Global Atmospheric Changes.
Introduction: Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels.
The Atmosphere and Climate.
Global Climate Change.
Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere.
Acid Deposition.
Case Study: International Implications of Global Climate Change.
10. Freshwater Resources and Water Pollution.
Introduction: The Missouri River: A Battle Over Water Rights.
The Importance of Water.
Water-Resource Problems.
Water Management.
Water Pollution.
Improving Water Quality.
Case Study: Water Pollution in the Great Lakes.
11. The Ocean and Fisheries.
Introduction: Depleting Bluefin Tuna Stocks.
The Global Ocean.
Major Ocean Life Zones.
Human Impacts on the Ocean.
Addressing Ocean Problems.
Case Study: Humans and the Antarctic Food Web.
12. Mineral and Soil Resources.
Introduction: Copper Basin, Tennessee.
Plate Tectonics and The Rock Cycle.
Economic Geology: Useful Minerals.
Environmental Implications of Mineral Use.
Soil Properties and Processes.
Soil Problems and Conservation.
Case Study: Industrial Ecosystems.
13. Land Resources.
Introduction: Korup National Park.
Land Use in the United States.
National Parks and Wilderness Areas.
Conservation of Land Resources.
Case Study: The Tongas Debate Over Clear-Cutting.
14. Agriculture and Food Resources.
Introduction: Maintaining Grain Stockpiles for Food Security.
World Food Problems.
The Principle Types of Agriculture.
Challenges of Agriculture.
Solutions to Agriculture Problems.
Controlling Agriculture Pests.
Case Study: DDT and the American Bald Eagle.
15. Biological Resources.
Introduction: Disappearing Frogs.
Species Richness and Biological Diversity.
Endangered and Extinct Species.
Conservation Biology.
Conservation Policies and Laws.
Case Study: Reintroducing the California Condor.
16. Solid and Hazardous Waste.
Introduction: Reusing and Recycling Old Automobiles.
Solid Waste.
Reducing Solid Waste.
Hazardous Waste.
Managing Hazardous Waste.
Case Study: High-Tech Waste.
17. Nonrenewable Energy Resources.
Introduction: Addiction to Oil.
Energy Consumption.
Oil and Natural Gas.
Nuclear Energy.
Case Study: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
18. Renewable Energy Resources.
Introduction: Cleaner Cars, Cleaner Fuels.
Direct Solar Energy.
Indirect Solar Energy.
Other Renewable Energy Sources.
Energy Solutions: Conservation and Efficiency.
Case Study: Green Architecture.