Visualizing Environmental Science, Second Edition
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This book follows a unique approach by placing a greater emphasis on visual learning as a means for environmental scientists to understand and connect with the central issues of environmental science. It vividly illustrates the overarching role that humans play in our planet's environmental problems and successes. In each chapter, What a Scientist Sees features are presented to highlight a concept or phenomenon from the perspective of a professional in the field. Process diagrams are also used to depict complex processes. Environmental scientists will be able to reinforce their understanding of the field and gain new insights with this second edition.




1. The Environmental Challenges We Face.

Introduction: A World in Crisis.

Human Impacts on the Environment.

Sustainability and Earthâ??s Capacity to Support Humans.

Environmental Science.

How We Handle Environmental Problems.

Case Study: The New Orleans Disaster.

2. Environmental Sustainability and Human Values.

Introduction: The Global Commons.

Human Use of the Earth.

Human Values and Environmental Problems.

Environmental Justice.

An Overall Plan for Sustainable Living.

Case Study: Jakarta, Indonesia.

3. Environmental History, Politics, and Economics.

Introduction: Old Growth Forest of the Pacific Northwest.

Conservation and Preservation of Resources.

Environmental History.

Environmental Legislation.

Environmental Economics.

Case Study: Environmental Problems in Central and Eastern Europe.

4. Risk Analysis and Environmental Health Hazards.

Introduction: Pesticides and Children.

A Perspective on Risks.

Environmental Health Hazards.

Movement and Fate of Toxicants.

How We Determine the Health Effects of Pollutants.

The Precautionary Principle.

Case Study: Endocrine Disrupters.

5. How Ecosystems Work.

Introduction: Lake Victoriaâ??s Ecological Imbalance.

What is Ecology?

The Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems.

The Cycling of Matter in Ecosystems.

Ecological Niches.

Interactions Among Organisms.

Case Study: Global Climate Change: Is There an Imbalance in the Carbon Cycle?

6. Ecosystems and Evolution.

Introduction: The Florida Everglades.

Earthâ??s Major Biomes.

Aquatic Ecosystems.

Population Responses to Changing Conditions Over Time: Evolution.

Community Responses to Changing Conditions over Time: Succession.

Case Study: Wildfires.

7. Human Population Change and the Environment.

Introduction: Slowing Population Growth in China.

Population Ecology.

Human Population Patterns.

Demographics of Countries.

Stabilizing World Population.

Population and Urbanization.

Case Study: Urban Planning in Curitiba, Brazil.

8. Air and Air Population.

Introduction: Long-Distance Transport of Air Pollution.

The Atmosphere.

Types and Sources of Air Pollution.

Effects of Air Pollution.

Controlling Air Pollutants.

Indoor Air Pollution.

Case Study: Curbing Air Pollution in Chattanooga.

9. Global Atmospheric Changes.

Introduction: Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels.

The Atmosphere and Climate.

Global Climate Change.

Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere.

Acid Deposition.

Case Study: International Implications of Global Climate Change.

10. Freshwater Resources and Water Pollution.

Introduction: The Missouri River: A Battle Over Water Rights.

The Importance of Water.

Water-Resource Problems.

Water Management.

Water Pollution.

Improving Water Quality.

Case Study: Water Pollution in the Great Lakes.

11. The Ocean and Fisheries.

Introduction: Depleting Bluefin Tuna Stocks.

The Global Ocean.

Major Ocean Life Zones.

Human Impacts on the Ocean.

Addressing Ocean Problems.

Case Study: Humans and the Antarctic Food Web.

12. Mineral and Soil Resources.

Introduction: Copper Basin, Tennessee.

Plate Tectonics and The Rock Cycle.

Economic Geology: Useful Minerals.

Environmental Implications of Mineral Use.

Soil Properties and Processes.

Soil Problems and Conservation.

Case Study: Industrial Ecosystems.

13. Land Resources.

Introduction: Korup National Park.

Land Use in the United States.



National Parks and Wilderness Areas.

Conservation of Land Resources.

Case Study: The Tongas Debate Over Clear-Cutting.

14. Agriculture and Food Resources.

Introduction: Maintaining Grain Stockpiles for Food Security.

World Food Problems.

The Principle Types of Agriculture.

Challenges of Agriculture.

Solutions to Agriculture Problems.

Controlling Agriculture Pests.

Case Study: DDT and the American Bald Eagle.

15. Biological Resources.

Introduction: Disappearing Frogs.

Species Richness and Biological Diversity.

Endangered and Extinct Species.

Conservation Biology.

Conservation Policies and Laws.

Case Study: Reintroducing the California Condor.

16. Solid and Hazardous Waste.

Introduction: Reusing and Recycling Old Automobiles.

Solid Waste.

Reducing Solid Waste.

Hazardous Waste.

Managing Hazardous Waste.

Case Study: High-Tech Waste.

17. Nonrenewable Energy Resources.

Introduction: Addiction to Oil.

Energy Consumption.


Oil and Natural Gas.

Nuclear Energy.

Case Study: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

18. Renewable Energy Resources.

Introduction: Cleaner Cars, Cleaner Fuels.

Direct Solar Energy.

Indirect Solar Energy.

Other Renewable Energy Sources.

Energy Solutions: Conservation and Efficiency.

Case Study: Green Architecture.



