Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance


Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance is an easy-to-read, highly visual guide to orthopaedics. It comprehensively covers relevant basic science and clinically-oriented anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, and the diagnosis and management of trauma, sports injuries, paediatric orthopaedics, degenerative disease, and musculoskeletal tumours. Although primarily aimed at junior doctors and senior medical students, it is also useful for physiotherapists and nurse practitioners.

Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance:
• Provides thorough coverage of diagnosis, investigation and contemporary treatment options of commonly encountered orthopaedic conditions;
• Features a section on what to expect as a Foundation doctor in orthopaedics, including how to present cases in trauma meetings, essential information to survive ‘on-call’ shifts and tips for efficient clerking of trauma admissions;
• Unique ‘how to’ section, comprising guidance on key practical procedures such as aspirating joints, manipulating fractures and applying plaster casts.
• Includes a companion website at featuring 120 multiple-choice questions and 10 case studies

This brand new title presents an overview of all the information relating to diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions, and is ideal while on rotation or revising key concepts.


Henry Willmott is Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust


Preface vii

Acknowledgements viii

How to use your revision guide ix

About the companion website x

Part 1 Basic sciences1

1 Musculoskeletal tissues 2

2 Bone metabolism4

3 Osteoarthritis 6

4 Rheumatoid arthritis 8

5 Imaging in orthopaedics: Xrays 10

6 Imaging in orthopaedics: other modalities 12

7 Infection14

8 Clinical anatomy of the upper limb 16

9 Clinical anatomy of the lower limb19

10 Clinical anatomy of the spine 22

11 Examination of the upper limb24

12 Examination of the lower limb26

13 Examination of the spine28

14 The brachial plexus30

Part 2 Adult orthopaedics33

Upper limb34

15 Shoulder 1 34

16 Shoulder 236

17 Elbow38

18 Wrist and hand 1 40

19 Wrist and hand 242

20 Wrist and hand 344

Lower limb46

21 Hip46

22 Hip replacement48

23 Knee 150

24 Knee 252

25 Foot and ankle 54

26 Spine56

27 Tumours 58

28 Rehabilitation 60

Part 3 Paediatric orthopaedics 63

29 Developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) 64

30 Other paediatric hip conditions66

31 Paediatric spinal disorders68

32 Paediatric foot conditions70

33 Neuromuscular conditions72

34 Lower limb alignment74

Part 4 Trauma 77

35 General principles 1 78

36 General principles 280

37 Advanced trauma life support (ATLS) 82

38 Upper limb trauma 1 84

39 Upper limb trauma 286

40 Upper limb trauma 388

41 Lower limb trauma 190

42 Lower limb trauma 292

43 Lower limb trauma 394

44 Proximal femoral fracture 196

45 Proximal femoral fracture 298

46 Cervical spine trauma100

47 Thoracolumbar spine trauma 102

48 Trauma in children 1104

49 Trauma in children 2106

50 Compartment syndrome108

51 Nonunion and malunion110

Part 5 Working as a junior doctor in orthopaedics113

52 Being an orthopaedic F2114

53 Assessment of patients116

54 The operating theatre118

Part 6 Practical procedures121

55 Practical procedures 1122

56 Practical procedures 2124

