Advanced Electrical and Electronics Materials: Processes and Applications
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More About This Title Advanced Electrical and Electronics Materials: Processes and Applications


This comprehensive and unique book is intended to cover the vast and fast-growing field of electrical and electronic materials and their engineering in accordance with modern developments. Basic and pre-requisite information has been included for easy transition to more complex topics. Latest developments in various fields of materials and their sciences/engineering, processing and applications have been included. Latest topics like PLZT, vacuum as insulator, fiber-optics, high temperature superconductors, smart materials, ferromagnetic semiconductors etc. are covered. Illustrations and examples encompass different engineering disciplines such as robotics, electrical, mechanical, electronics, instrumentation and control, computer, and their inter-disciplinary branches. A variety of materials ranging from iridium to garnets, microelectronics, micro alloys to memory devices, left-handed materials, advanced and futuristic materials are described in detail.


K.M. Gupta is a professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India where he teaches materials science, engineering mechanics, thermodynamics of materials, electrical and electronic materials. He has more than 38 years of teaching, research and consultancy experience and obtained PhD from the University of Allahabad. He has authored 28 books and edited 2 books on Engineering subjects as well as 110 research papers in peer-reviewed Journals.

Nishu Gupta is a research scholar in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India. He received his M.Tech. degree in Nanoscience and Technology from Delhi Technological University. Prior to starting his current position, he served as a software engineer with Infosys Technologies limited, and has senior software engineer at Tech Mahindra. His research interests are in the fields of semiconductor devices, hybrid solar cells, photonics, nano-optics and related fields.


Preface xxxv

Acknowledgement xxxvii

About the Authors xxxix

Abbreviations xli

1 General Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Materials 1

2 Atomic Models, Bonding in Solids, Crystal Geometry, and Miller Indices 33

3 Solid Structures, Characterization of Materials, Crystal Imperfections, and Mechanical Properties of Materials 71

4 Conductive Materials: Electron Theories, Properties and Behaviour 109

5 Conductive Materials: Types and Applications 153

6 Semiconducting Materials: Properties and Behaviour 185

7 Semiconducting Materials: Types and Applications 229

8 Semiconducting Materials: Processing and Devices 263

9 Dielectric Materials: Properties and Behaviour 301

10 Dielectric Materials: Types and Applications 343

11 Magnetic Materials: Properties and Behaviour 379

12 Magnetic Materials: Types and Applications 423

13 Superconductive Materials 449

14 Passive Components (Resistors) 477

15 Passive Components (Capacitors) 503

16 Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Fabrication 533

17 Optical Properties of Materials, and Materials for Opto-Electronic Devices 561

18 Specific Materials for Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Instruments, Robotics, and Other Applications 593

19 Recent Advances and Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronic Materials 631

Appendix I: SI Prefixes of Multiples and Submultiples 677

Appendix II: Greek Alphabet 679

Appendix III: Conventions to be Followed While Using SI UNIT 681

Appendix IV: Physical Constants 683

Appendix V: Conversion Factors 685

Glossary of Terminologies 687

Answers to Numerical Questions 699

Answers to Objective Questions 705

Index 709