Evidence-based Emergency Medicine
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More About This Title Evidence-based Emergency Medicine


Emergency physicians assess and manage a wide variety of problems from patients presenting with a diversity of severities, ranging from mild to severe and life-threatening. They are expected to maintain their competency and expertise in areas where there is rapid knowledge change.

Evidence-based Emergency Medicine is the first book of its kind in emergency medicine to tackle the problems practicing physicians encounter in the emergency setting using an evidence-based approach. It summarizes the published evidence available for the diagnosis and treatment of common emergency health care problems in adults. Each chapter contextualizes a topic area using a clinical vignette and generates a series of key clinically important diagnostic and treatment questions. By completing detailed reviews of diagnostic and treatment research, using evidence from systematic reviews, RCTs, and prospective observational studies, the authors provide conclusions and practical recommendations.

Focusing primarily on diagnosis in areas where evidence for treatment is well accepted (e.g. DVTs), and treatment in other diseases where diagnosis is not complex (e.g. asthma), this text is written by leading emergency physicians at the forefront of evidence-based medicine. Evidence-based Emergency Medicine is ideal for emergency physicians and trainees, emergency department staff, and family physicians specialising in the acute care of medical and injured patients.


Chief Editor:

Brian H. Rowe, MD, MSc, CCFP(EM), FCCP
Canada Research Chair in Emergency Airway Diseases
Professor and Research Director, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Section Editors:

Eddy S. Lang, MDCM, CCFP(EM), CSPQ
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Department of Family Medicine
McGill University
and Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine
SMBD Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Michael D. Brown, MD, MSc
Professor of Epidemiology and Emergency Medicine
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University
Spectrum Health – Butterworth Hospitals
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Debra Houry, MD, MPH
Director, Center for Injury Control
Vice Chair for Research
Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

David H. Newman, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, USA

Peter C. Wyer, MD
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, USA


List of Contributors.



List of Abbreviations.

Part 1 General Issues.

Edited by Brian H. Rowe.

1 Introduction.

Brian H. Rowe & Peter C. Wyer.

2 Knowledge Translation: a Primer for Emergency Physicians.

Eddy S. Lang, Peter C. Wyer & Marc Afilalo.

3 Critical Appraisal: General Issues in Emergency Medicine.

Suneel Upadhye.

4 Continuing Education.

Joel Lexchin.

5 Quality Improvement.

Andrew Worster & Ann McKibbon.

6 Medication Adherence.

Ursula Whalen & Sunil Kripalani.

7 Emergency Department Triage.

Sandy Dong & Michael Bullard.

8 Emergency Department Overcrowding.

Michael Schull & Matthew Cooke.

Part 2 Respiratory.

Edited by Brian H. Rowe.

9 Emergency Management of Asthma Exacerbations.

Brian H. Rowe & Carlos A. Camargo, Jr.

10 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations.

Brian H. Rowe & Rita K. Cydulka.

11 Diagnosis and Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia.

Sam Campbell & Tom Marrie.

12 Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Eddy S. Lang & Phil Wells.

13 Pulmonary Embolism.

Phil Wells & Michael Brown.

14 Prevention and Treatment of Influenza.

Stephen R. Pitts.

15 Anaphylaxis.

Theodore Gaeta.

Part 3 Cardiology.

Edited by Eddy S. Lang.

16 Chest Pain.

Alain Vadeboncoeur, Jerrald Dankoff & Eddy S. Lang.

17 Acute Coronary Syndromes.

Kirk Magee.

18 Acute Myocardial Infarction.

Bjug Borgundvaag.

19 Acute Decompensated Heart Failure.

Brett Jones & Sean P. Collins.

20 Acute Fibrillation.

Barry Diner.

21 Ventricular and Supraventricular Arrhythmias.

Eddy S. Lang & Eli Segal.

22 Cardiac Arrest.

Riyad B. Abu-Laban & Michael Shuster.

Part 4 General Medical Conditions.

Edited by Peter C. Wyer.

23 Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.

Peter W. Greenwald, Scott Weingart & H. Bryant Nguyen.

24 Delirium.

Denise Nassisi & Andy Jagoda.

25 Caring for the Elderly.

Christopher R. Carpenter, Michael Stern & Arthur B. Sanders.

26 Syncope.

Richard Lappin & James Quinn.

27 General Toxicology.

Luke Yip, Nicole Bouchard & Marco Sivilotti.

28 Toxicology: Acetaminophen and Salicylate Poisoning.

Mark Yarema & Richard Dart.

Part 5 Injury.

Edited by Brian H. Rowe & Peter C. Wyer.

29 Minor Traumatic Brain Injury.

Jeff J. Bazarian & Will Townend.

30 Neck Injuries.

Marcia L. Edmonds & Robert Brison.

31 Ankle Injuries.

Jerome Fan.

32 Knee Injuries.

Anita Pozgay & Elisabeth Hobden.

33 Wrist injuries.

Sandy Dong & Brian H. Rowe.

34 Shoulder Injuries.

Jenn Carpenter, Marcel Emond & Robert Brison.

35 Chest Trauma.

Shahriar Zehtabchi & Richard Sinert.

36 Hemorrhagic Shock.

Dennis Djogovic, Jonathan Davidow & Peter Brindley.

Part 6 Genitourinary and Abdominal.

Edited by David H. Newman.

37 Acute Appendicitis.

James A. Nelson & Stephen R. Hayden.

38 Ectopic Pregnancy.

Heather Murray & Elisha David Targonsky.

39 Acute Ureteric Colic.

Andrew Worster.

40 Urinary Tract Infection.

Rawle A. Seupaul, Chris McDowell & Robert Bassett.

41 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Linda Papa & Kurt Weber.

42 Pregnancy.

Ashley Shreves.

43 Gastrointestinal Bleeding.

Michael Bullard & Justin Cheung.

Part 7 Neurosciences.

Edited by Michael Brown.

44 Transient Ischemic Attack.

Ted Glynn.

45 Stroke.

William Meurer & Robert Silbergleit.

46 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

Jeffrey J. Perry.

47 Bacterial Meningitis.

Cheryl K. Chang & Peter C. Wyer.

48 Migraine and Other Primary Headache Disorders.

Benjamin W. Friedman.

49 Seizures.

Elizabeth B. Jones.

50 The Agitated Patient.

Michael S. Radeos & Edwin D. Boudreaux.

Part 8 ENT.

Edited by Eddy S. Lang.

51 Sore Throat.

Benson Yeh & Barnet Eskin.

52 Sinusitis.

Errol Stern.

53 Conjunctivitis.

Nicola E. Schiebel.

Part 9 Minor Procedures.

Edited by Michael Brown.

54 Procedural Sedation and Analgesia.

David W. Messenger & Marco Sivilotti.

55 Wound Repair.

Helen Ouyang & James Quinn.

56 Soft Tissue Abscess.

Heather Murray.

57 Ultrasound Use: Three Select Applications.

Srikar Adhikari & Michael Blaivas.

Part 10 Public Health.

Edited by Debra Houry.

58 Injury Prevention.

Mary Patricia McKay & Liesl A. Curtis.

59 Intimate Partner Violence.

Debra Houry.

60 Smoking Cessation.

Lisa Cabral & Steven L. Bernstein.

61 Immunization.

Jeremy Hess & Katherine L. Heilpern.

62 Alcohol and Other Drugs.

Barbara M. Kirrane, Linda C. Degutis & Gail D’Onofrio.

63 Elder Abuse.

Ralph J. Riviello.



"The forward to this large format, hard cover, 658 page excellent book encapsulates why its topic is so important to the practice of modern emergency medicine." (BMJ, 13 April 2011)

“Dr. Brian Rowe, his co-editors and contributors, have masterfully designed a book to ‘answer the direct, give-me-the-bottom-line questions emergency physicians ask in the middle of their shifts’ … .Each chapter is extremely well referenced and the index seems complete and is user friendly ... .This will be my new goto text for evidenced-based answers to specific clinical questions. It belongs in every emergency medicine library, as well as on the shelf of those in charge of journal clubs and evidence-based lecture series.” (Annals of Emergency Medicine, November 2009)

"This book alone takes on the difficult challenge of reviewing the evidence based decisions that are still not ubiquitous in the emergency departments of America." (Doody's, August 2009)

"The best available evidence in a clear and concise manner. … Especially useful to medical and pharmacy residents because of their background in the topics covered in this book ... .It is a significant evidence-based contribution to the emergency medicine literature." (The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, July 2009)
