So Much More: An Invitation to Christian Spirituality
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  • Wiley

More About This Title So Much More: An Invitation to Christian Spirituality


What are the mysteries at the heart of Christian faith? Why do they matter? How can they transform our lives? Debra Rienstra answers these questions and many more in her evocative exploration of Christian life and faith. So Much More is a gesture of welcoming friendship for people who are new or newly returned to Christianity—those who are searching, lurking, longing, or learning.  Anyone who wishes to understand Christianity better will welcome this genuine, heartfelt account of basic Christian beliefs and practices. Readers will find fresh explorations of Christianity’s foundational themes, such as incarnation, grace, suffering, and hope.  Throughout this encouraging and passionate book, Debra Rienstra connects ancient articles of faith to contemporary concerns: our longing for transcendence, our desire for integrity, and our hope for intimacy with God. 


Debra Rienstra is professor of English at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the author of Great with Child: Reflections on Faith, Fullness, and Becoming a Mother.


Preface ix

Imagining the Christian Way

1 Something More:Transcendence 3

2 The Divine Dance: God with Us 19

3 Alienation from God:The Human Condition, Sin, and Repentance 39

4 Rescue and Restoration: God’s Saving Grace 61

5 Not the Last Word: Suffering and Hope 88

Living the Christian Life

6 Seeking the Heart of God: Prayer 115

7 Words of Life:The Bible 138

8 Shaping Our Souls Together:Worship 162

9 Companions on the Journey:The Challenge of Christian Community 183

10 The Work of Our Hands: Serving God and Others 208

Epilogue: Mystery 227

Notes 233

Suggestions for Further Reading 243

Acknowledgments 251

The Author 253

Index 255
