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More About This Title Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Processes to Survey Methodology
- English
- English
NORMAN M. BRADBURN is senior vice president for National Opinion Research. He is the Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service professor in the department of psychology and the Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago.
NORBERT SCHWARZ is professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a research scientist at the survey research center of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. With Seymour Sudman he wrote Context Effects in Social and Psychological Research (1992), Autobiographical Memory and the Validity of Retrospective Reports (1994).
- English
2. Methods for Determining Cognitive Processes and Questionnaire Problems.
3. Answering a Survey Question: Cognitive and Communicative Processes.
4. Psychological Sources of Context Effects in Survey Measurement.
5. The Direction of Context Effects: What Determines Assimilation or Contrast in Attitude Measurement.
6. Order Effects Within a Question: Presenting Categorical Response Alternatives.
7. Autobiographical Memory.
8. Event Dating.
9. Counting and Estimation.
10. Proxy Reporting.
11. Implications for Questionnaire Design and the Conceptualization of the Survey Interview.