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- Wiley
More About This Title Jump Write In! Creative Writing Exercises for Diverse Communities, Grades 6-12
- English
Through poetry, fiction, personal narrative, and playwriting, students will improve their writing skills by being invited to put their truths on the page. Perfect for a moment of inspiration as well as for deeper exploration, these easy-to-use and field-tested activities engage students from a variety of ethnic, educational, and economic backgrounds and encourage the recognition that their voices matter. The book's eleven chapters include:
- Dozens of exercises accompanied by teacher notes and suggestions.
- Links to standards for each activity.
- Examples of student work.
- An overview of the writing process from icebreakers to editing.
- Suggestions for further reading.
- English
In San Francisco, WritersCorps is a project of the San Francisco Arts Commission (www.writerscorps.org).
Editor Judith Tannenbaum, who has written widely on community arts and cultural democracy, serves as WritersCorps's training coordinator.
Valerie Chow Bush has edited four WritersCorps publications of student writing.
- English
The Editors.
The Authors.
Curriculum and State Standards.
Chapter 1: Icebreakers and Opening Games.
Chapter 2: Writing in a Group.
Chapter 3: Poetry: A Primer.
Chapter 4: Art Attacks.
Chapter 5: Images.
Chapter 6: Sounds.
Chapter 7: Narrative.
Chapter 8: Point of View.
Chapter 9: Themes.
Chapter 10: Writing with Visual Art.
Chapter 11: Editing and Rewriting.
- English
--Herbert Kohl, author, teacher, and director, the Institute for Social Justice and Education
“WritersCorps has proven, in a wide variety of educational settings, that language arts standards and creative expression can share the same page.”
--Claudia Anderson, principal, Ida B. Wells High School, San Francisco
"Armed with this workbook any teacher can be confident of tapping into the magical interiors of youth and bringing this magic to the outside world. This book made me want to race to the page!"
--Ruth Forman, poet
“Sharing great writing by students is the way to inspire learning. WritersCorps lessons help keep them coming back.”
--Dorothy Langlois, Ethnic and American Literature Teacher, San Francisco