The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide toMeetings
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide toMeetings


Newly appointed academic managers are expected to conduct and lead a wide variety of meetings. Often, however, these managers lack the skills needed to lead meetings that get meaningful results. The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Meetings is specifically designed to help managers understand how to conduct successful meetings that accomplish specific objectives as efficiently as possible. This helpful resource includes practical guidelines and information that can be put into place immediately to help ensure that meetings run effectively.


Janis Fisher Chan leads workshops on how to conduct successful meetings and provides freelance services as an instructional designer, writer, and editor. She is the coauthor of several business writing books, including Professional Writing Skills, Grammar for Grownups, Writing Performance Documentation, How to Write Reports and Proposals, and Just Commas. She is also the author of three self-study courses for the American Management Association: Successful Business Communications, Managing Your Priorities, and Making Successful Presentations.


Preface ix

About the Author xi

1 What Makes a Meeting Work? 1

2 Roles and Responsibilities 11

3 The Meeting Planning Process 23

4 Facilitating a Meeting 41

5 Decision Making and Action Planning 59

Appendixes 75

Meeting Planning Worksheet 77

Sample Seating Arrangements 79

Agenda Worksheet 81

Meeting Preparation Checklist 83

Sample Meeting Evaluation 85

Reading and Resource List 89

Index 91
