Applying Successful Training Techniques: A Practical Guide to Coaching and Facilitating Skills (Only Cover is Revised) (High-Impact Training Series)
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- Wiley
More About This Title Applying Successful Training Techniques: A Practical Guide to Coaching and Facilitating Skills (Only Cover is Revised) (High-Impact Training Series)
- English
What are the ingredients of a truly successful training program? Excellent program design and motivated trainees play a critical role, without a doubt. But what turns a good program into a really great one is the person facilitating it. This guidebook focuses on the key skills and techniques that make the real difference in any training effort, whether you are a seasoned or first-time trainer. Learn about various training tools, and how to handle challenging participants and tough questions in a variety of different learning siuations.
- English
JOE B. WILSON, a VP of Richard Chang Associates, Inc., is a training consultant and instructional media producer with more than 20 years of international experience. He has a broad background in the development of video, print, and computer-based instructional programs--from needs analysis through design, production, implementation, and evaluation. His experience in project management, development, and delivery of training programs spans a wide range--from highly technical systems projects, to management/sales development, to Total Quality implementations.
- English
Developing Coaching And Facilitating Skills.
How Do Adults Learn?
Becoming A Coach And Facilitator.
A Case Example: Nalu Surf.
Getting Ready For Training.
Employing Successful Delivery Skills.
Using Support Materials Effectively.
Enhancing Coaching/Facilitating Skills.
Tips For Different Situations.
Calculating Your Success.
Appendix: Reproducible Forms and Worksheets.
Developing Coaching And Facilitating Skills.
How Do Adults Learn?
Becoming A Coach And Facilitator.
A Case Example: Nalu Surf.
Getting Ready For Training.
Employing Successful Delivery Skills.
Using Support Materials Effectively.
Enhancing Coaching/Facilitating Skills.
Tips For Different Situations.
Calculating Your Success.
Appendix: Reproducible Forms and Worksheets.