Getting Our Kids Back on Track: Educating Children for the Future
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- Wiley
More About This Title Getting Our Kids Back on Track: Educating Children for the Future
- English
Getting Our Kids Back on Track is a no-nonsense guide for achieving academic success written by an acclaimed expert in the study of motivation and achievement in children. In this indispensable resource, author Janine Bempechat claims that the so-called self-esteem movement has actually worked to undermine academic excellence in our nation's schools. As an alternative, she offers parents clear-cut advice and details step by step how to create a structured, predictable, and consistent home environment that will inspire children to reach their full intellectual potential.
- English
JANINE BEMPECHAT is assistant professor of education in the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The author of Against the Odds, Bempechat lectures and conducts workshops on the topic of motivation and achievement in children and is a frequent guest on National Public Radio.
- English
Challenging Our Assumptions.
Talking to Your Children About School.
Supporting Achievement at Home.
Dealing with Homework.
Working with The Teacher's Values.
Balancing Extra-Curricular Interests with AcademicObligations.
Confronting Negative Peer Pressure.
What You Say and Do Really Matters.
The Author.
Challenging Our Assumptions.
Talking to Your Children About School.
Supporting Achievement at Home.
Dealing with Homework.
Working with The Teacher's Values.
Balancing Extra-Curricular Interests with AcademicObligations.
Confronting Negative Peer Pressure.
What You Say and Do Really Matters.
The Author.
- English
"Practical solutions that will boost kids' competence and helpparents know they can make a difference." (Michele Borba, author,Parents Do Make a Difference)
"Building on her research and personal experiences, Bempechat makesa passionate, provocative, and powerful plea to parents to focus onthe academic achievement of their children." (Jerome T. Murphy,Harold Howe II Professor of Education and dean, Harvard GraduateSchool of Education)
"Hands-on, practical suggestions for helping children find balancein their lives. She helps parents learn how to forge effectivepartnerships with schools so that all our children may grow intohealthy, well-educated, confident adults." (Jeffrey Young,superintendent of schools, Newton, Massachusetts)
"This book is for all elementary principals and the parents of thechildren they serve. Bempechat suggests practical ways in whichparents can become effective partners and advocates in theirchildren's education." (Mark Springer, principal, Mason-RiceElementary School, Newton, Massachusetts)
"Building on her research and personal experiences, Bempechat makesa passionate, provocative, and powerful plea to parents to focus onthe academic achievement of their children." (Jerome T. Murphy,Harold Howe II Professor of Education and dean, Harvard GraduateSchool of Education)
"Hands-on, practical suggestions for helping children find balancein their lives. She helps parents learn how to forge effectivepartnerships with schools so that all our children may grow intohealthy, well-educated, confident adults." (Jeffrey Young,superintendent of schools, Newton, Massachusetts)
"This book is for all elementary principals and the parents of thechildren they serve. Bempechat suggests practical ways in whichparents can become effective partners and advocates in theirchildren's education." (Mark Springer, principal, Mason-RiceElementary School, Newton, Massachusetts)