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More About This Title The Welfare-to-Work Challenge for Adult Literacy Educators (Issue 83: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education-ACE)
- English
This is the 83rd issue of the quarterly journal New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education .
- English
LARRY G. MARTIN is associate professor of adult and continuing education and department chair at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
- English
2. Critical Issues and Dilemmas for Adult Literacy Programs Under Welfare Reform (Barbara Sparks ).
3. Research on Adult Literacy Education in the Welfare-to-Work Transition (James C. Fisher).
4. Continuum of Literacy Program Models: Alternative Approaches for Low-Literate Welfare Recipients (Larry G. Martin).
5. The Brave New World of Workforce Education (Eunice N. Askov, Edward E. Gordon).
6. The New Role of Community-Based Agencies (Daniel V. Folkman, Kalyani Rai).
7. New Skills for Literacy Educators (John M. Dirkx).
Epilogue (Larry G. Martin, James C. Fisher).