Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Simulation Games
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Simulation Games


Learning is at its best when it is goal-oriented, contextual, interesting, challenging, and interactive. These same winning characteristics also define the best computer games, which suggests that the most effective learning experiences are also engaging. Learning can and should be hard fun! The challenge is to get in touch with what it takes to design learning experiences that will excite your audience. Engaging Learning offers a much-needed guide for training professionals who want to create learning programs that are both effective and engaging. Clark N. Quinn Learning, a system designer, presents a unique framework for systematically aligning the key elements of learning and engagement with a proven design process for e-learning games. This nuts-and-bolts guide, which is both research-based and grounded in experience, offers the tools needed to transform learning experiences from humdrum to fun.


Clark N. Quinn has designed and developed innovative solutions for business, education, not-for-profit organizations, and government. He offers knowledge systems and learning interaction design through Quinnovation.


Foreword xv

Preface xix

Acknowledgments xxiii

Introduction 1

Audience 1

Product Description 2

Related Products 2

Explanation of Model or Theory 2

Glossary of Key Terms 3

Facilitator’s Guidelines 4

PART A Setting the Stage

Chapter 1: Games? Really? 9

Engaging Experiences 11

Why Engagement? 13

The Learning-Doing Continuum 15

The Payoff 17

Road Map 18

Chapter 2: Learning Basics 23

Instructional Design 24

Cognitive Enhancements 29

A Convergent Model 33

Summary 37

Chapter 3: Experience Basics 39

Engagement 40

Sources 43

Synthesis 48

Summary 49

PART B A Play in Three Acts

Chapter 4: Engagement-Education Synergy 53

Implications 55

Summary 64

Case Study 1: “Quest for Independence” 64

Chapter 5: Trajectory 75

Level 1: Mini-Scenarios 77

Case Study 2: “Media Speak” 80

Level 2: Linked Scenarios 87

Case Study 3: Project Management Overview, Phase 1 89

Level 3: Contingent Scenarios 95

Case Study 4: Vehicle Selling 96

Level 4: The Full Monty 102

Case Study 5: Drug Therapy Demo 107

Trade-offs 112

Chapter 6: A Design Process 113

Design Basics 114

Design Stages 116

Instructional Design 123

Engagement Perspective 125

Engaged Design: Creating Meaningful Practice 128

Engaged Design: The Process 132

Summary 153

Summary Checklist 153

PART C Set Design and Afterthoughts

Chapter 7: Pragmatics 157

Budget 157

Production 159

Prototyping Tools 160

Media 162

Writing 165

Humor 166

Cartoons and Comics 166

Culture 167

Gender 169

Age and Development 169

Evaluation 170

Multiplayer Games 171

Nonelectronic Games and Electronic Interactions 172

Technology Environments 173

Teams and Talent 175

Chapter 8: Future Issues 179

Affect 179

Learning Objects 180

Going Mobile 182

Personalization 183

Meta-Learning 184

New Input and Output Technologies 185

Design Magic 186

Chapter 9: Conclusion 187

Where We’ve Been 188

Just Do It 189

When to Do It 191

Where to Go for Further Information 192

Tally Ho! 194

Bibliography 195

Index 201

About the Author 209
