Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Astronomy: Winning Experiments for Science Fairs and Extra Credit
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More About This Title Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Astronomy: Winning Experiments for Science Fairs and Extra Credit


An all-new collection of first-rate science experiments!

Are you having a hard time coming up with a good idea for the science fair? Do you want to earn extra credit in your science class? Or do you just want to learn more about how the universe really works? Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Astronomy can help you, and the best part is it won't involve any complicated or expensive equipment.

This step-by-step guide explores 30 different topics and offers dozens of experiment ideas. The book also includes charts, diagrams, and illustrations. Here are just a few of the subjects you'll be investigating:
* The size and rotation of celestial bodies
* Eclipses and the true movements of the sun
* The apparent magnitude of the stars
* Orbital eccentricity
* Meteors and artificial satellites

You'll be amazed at how easy it is to turn your own ideas into winning science fair projects!

Also available:

Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Biology
Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Chemistry
Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Earth Science


JANICE VANCLEAVE is a former award-winning science teacher who now spends her time writing and giving science workshops. She is the author of over 40 books with sales totaling over 2 million copies.



Part I: Measurements.

1. Apparent Diameter: Observed Diameter of Celestial Bodies.

2. Angular Separation: Angular Distance between Celestial Bodies.

3. Altitude: Vertical Coordinate.

4. Azimuth: Horizontal Coordinate.

Part II: Optical Instruments.

5. Apertures: The Gathering of Light.

6. Diffraction: The Spreading of Light.

Part III: The Sun.

7. Sunspots: Cooler Surface Regions.

8. True Sun: How the Sun Appears to Move.

9. Seasons: Four Times of the Year.

Part IV: The Planets.

10. Solar System Scale: Miniature Model.

11. Barycenter: The Balancing Point.

12. Orbital Eccentricity: How Circular a Celestial Body's Path Is.

13. Planetary Phenomena: Planetary Movement Relative to Earth.

14. Orbital Period: Time of Revolution.

15. Spheroids: Bulging Bodies.

16. Rotation: The Spinning of Celestial Bodies.

17. Phases of Venus: Changes in Shape and Size.

Part V: Moons.

18. Moon Phase: The Moon's Visible Lighted Surface.

19. Eclipses: Shadows of Earth and the Moon.

20. Craters, Maria, and Highlands: The Moon's Surface Features.

21. Galilean Satellites: Jupiter's Largest Moons.

Part VI: Stars.

22. Celestial Sphere: Sky Globe.

23. Zodiac Band: Background for the Ecliptic.

24. Circumpolar: Stars above the Horizon.

25. Star Clock: Star Positions Indicate Time.

26. Star Systems: Multiple Stars.

27. Apparent Magnitude: Apparent Star Brightness.

28. Parallax: Apparent Shift of an Object.

Part VII: Meteors and Artificial Satellites.

29. Meteors: Streaks of Light in the Sky .

30. Artificial Satellites: Man-made Orbiters.

Appendix 1: Random Error of Measurement.

Appendix 2: Relative Error: Percentage Error.

Appendix 3: Planet Facts and Figures.

Appendix 4: Tangent Table.

Appendix 5: Sources of Scientific Supplies.

