The Healing Journey Through Divorce: Your Journal of Understanding and Renewal
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More About This Title The Healing Journey Through Divorce: Your Journal of Understanding and Renewal


A source of support and expert guidance through a difficult lifepassage

Like a wise and comforting companion, this unique journal can helpyou to understand and work through those feelings of anger, fear,confusion, remorse, grief, and hopelessness that come along withthe breakup of a marriage. The evocative writing exercisesthroughout The Healing Journey Through Divorce will provide youwith the calm psychological space you need to collect yourthoughts, sort out and reflect upon your feelings, and regain yourbearings so that you can get on with the business of forging a newlife for yourself and your loved ones. You will find The HealingJourney Through Divorce a valuable travel companion on your path toa fulfilling life.

"I heartily recommend this book. [It] provides the reader withuseful, thought-provoking exercises to help navigate the difficultemotional journey of divorce." --Marc J. Ackerman, PhD Author ofDoes Wednesday Mean Mom's House or Dad's?: Parenting Together WhileLiving Apart

Other books in the Healing Journey series include:
* The Healing Journey, 208 pp., Paper (0-471-24712-X)
* The Healing Journey for Couples, 271 pp., Paper (0-471-25470-3)
* The Healing Journey Through Grief, 264 pp., Paper (0-471-29565-5)


PHIL RICH, EdD, MSW, is an experienced psychotherapist who has beenin practice for more than 20 years. He has taught at the graduateand undergraduate levels and led professional workshops. He wasborn and raised in London, England, and now lives with his familyin Amherst, Massachusetts.

LITA LINZER SCHWARTZ, PhD, ABPP (Forensic), is DistinguishedProfessor Emerita at the Pennsylvania State University. She haswritten, edited, or coauthored more than 15 books previously,including Painful Partings: Divorce and Its Aftermath (Wiley),Mid-Life Divorce Counseling, and The Dynamics of Divorce.


Embarking On Your Journey.

A Road Map Through Divorce.

Destination: Dealing with the Decision.

Destination: Adjusting to Loss.

Destination: Restoring Self-Esteem.

Destination: Finding Support.

Destination: Handling the Practicalities.

Destination: Helping the Children.

Destination: Dealing with Emotions.

Destination: Good Health.

Destination: Making Civil Peace.

Destination: Redefining Relationships.

Destination: Seeing with New Eyes.

Destination: Reinventing Yourself.

Destination: Moving On.

As One Journey Ends, Another Begins.

Helpful Books.

About the Authors.
