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More About This Title Systems Modelling - Theory and Practice
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- English
CHAPTER 1. Complementarity in systems modelling (Michael Pidd).
1.1 Systems modelling.
1.2 Messes and wicked problems.
1.3 Hard and soft approaches.
1.4 What do we mean by complementarity?
CHAPTER 2. Insights from complexity: organisational change and systems modelling (Michael Lyons).
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Complex adaptive systems and complexity.
2.3 Complexity and management.
2.4 Working with systemic problems.
2.5 The simulation of complexity.
2.6 Conclusion: complementarity intrinsic to complexity?
CHAPTER 3. ‘Classic’ OR and ‘soft’ OR - an asymmetric complementarity (Peter Checkland and Sue Holwell).
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Classic OR methodology.
3.3 Soft systems methodology.
3.4 ‘Hard’ and ‘soft’ perspectives.
3.5 The relation between ‘ha rd’ and ‘soft’ perspectives: an asymmetric complementarity.
3.6 Conclusion.
CHAPTER 4. The effectiveness of high-dependency care (Roth Kowalczyk).
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 The issues.
4.3 Effective high dependency care provision.
4.4 Methods and methodology.
4.5 Analysing the introduction of high dependency care.
4.6 Effects.
4.7 Conclusions.
CHAPTER 5. Complementarity in practice (George Paterson).
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Organisational setting for or/ms practice.
5.3 Types of assistance available.
5.4 OR/MS in relation to other consulting offerings.
5.5 Models and modelling.
5.6 Examples from the oil and gas industry.
5.7 Complementarity of hard and soft.
CHAPTER 6. The complementary use of hard and soft OR in developing tax policy (Joyce Brown and Ceri Cooper).
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Background.
6.3 The hard OR in the tax study.
6.4 The soft OR.
6.5 Complementarity.
CHAPTER 7. Mental models and learning in system dynamics practice (John Morecroft).
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Mental models, transitional objects and formal models.
7.3 Models of business and social systems.
7.4 The BBC world service modelling project.
7.5 The impact on managerial thinking of the world service project.
7.6 Discussion.
CHAPTER 8. Using causal mapping - individual and group, traditional and new (Fran Ackermann and Colin Eden).
8.1 Background to mapping.
8.2 Modes of use.
8.3 Applications of mapping.
8.4 Some considerations in usage for problem ‘solving’ and strategy development.
8.5 Organizational learning and forensic analysis through mapping.
8.6 Some considerations in usage for organisational learning.
8.7 Summary.
CHAPTER 9. Use of 'soft-or' models by clients - what do they want from them? (Colin Eden and Fran Ackermann).
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 The nature of clients.
9.4 Delivering ‘added value’: problem structuring in groups - modelling as "structuring", negotiating, and agreeing.
9.5 Flexibility of tools and techniques – having a wide range and being able to use them contingently.
9.6 Visual interactive modelling means workshops which means facilitation.
9.7 Issues of closure.
9.8 Summary.
CHAPTER 10. The status of models in defence systems engineering (Sean Price and Philip John).
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 What is systems engineering?
10.3 The nature of modern systems challenges.
10.4 Traditional problem domain boundaries.
10.5 The uses of models.
10.6 The status of models in systems engineering.
10.7 Conclusions.
CHAPTER 11. Complementarity in ministry of defence or practice (Alan P Robinson, George A Pickburn and Roger A Forder).
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 A high-level study.
11.3 Equipment acquisition studies.
11.4 The falcon communication system.
11.5 Defence logistics: "from factory to foxhole".
11.6 The strategic assessment method.
11.7 OA in the MoD.
11.8 Models, methods and strategy in mod OA.
11.9 Complementarity in MoD OA.
11.10 Final thoughts.
CHAPTER 12. Bringing it all together (Michael Pidd).
12.1 A personal reprise.
12.2 So, what can we learn?