High-Involvement Innovation - Building &Sustaining Competitive Advantage ThroughContinuous Change
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  • Wiley

More About This Title High-Involvement Innovation - Building &Sustaining Competitive Advantage ThroughContinuous Change


Provides a framework for thinking about and organizing a culture of continuous innovation.
* Based on ten years of research with over 200 organizations.


John Bessant is Professor of Innovation Management in the School of Management at Cranfield University. Prior to joining Cranfield, John was Director of Brighton University’s Centre for Research in Innovation Management. He is also an Honorary Professor at SPRU, Sussex University and a Visiting Fellow at several UK and international universities. Together with Joe Tidd and the late Keith Pavitt, John is co-author of Managing Innovation (published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.), the second edition of which was awarded the Best Book Prize by the European Association for Creativity and Innovation in 2001.



'Many Hands Make Light Work!'

Is it Worth it?

What's the Problem?

A Model for High-Involvement Innovation.

Getting the Innovation Habit.

Systematic High-Involvement Innovation Capability.

Strategic Innnovation.

Autonomous Innovation.

Learning Organizations.

Doing it!

Further Challenges.

Appendix: Details on the High-Involvement Innovation Reference Model.

