Handbook of Marketing for Continuing Education
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Handbook of Marketing for Continuing Education


This book brings together original chapters from leading scholars and practitioners to provide comprehensive guidance for effectively marketing continuing education programs and courses.


ROBERT G. SIMERLY is dean of the Division of Continuing Studies and professor of adult and continuing education at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. In addition to Handbook of Marketing for Continuing Education (1989), his Jossey-Bass books include Strategic Planning and Leadership in Continuing Education (1987), and Planning and Marketing Conferences and Workshops (1990).


Part One: The Components of Effective Marketing

Part Two: Positioning Your Organization in the Market

Part Three: Effective Direct-Mail Marketing

Part Four: Effective Public Relations

Part Five: Effective Advertising

Part Six: Effective Personal Sales

Part Seven: Making Marketing Work in Your Organization

Part Eight: Strategies for Ongoing Success in Marketing
