Eyewitness to Jewish History
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RABBI BENJAMIN BLECH is Associate Professor of the Talmud at Yeshiva University and an internationally recognized educator, religious leader, author, and lecturer. He is the author of ten highly acclaimed books, including Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed and Creed. Rabbi Blech was recently ranked #16 in a national poll of the fifty most influential Jews in America.



BOOKI: The Biblical Period: 2000–538B.C.E.

1. In the Beginning.

2. Welcome to the Promised Land.

3. In the Days of the Kings.

4. A Kingdom Divided, a Temple Destroyed.

BOOKII: The Second Temple Period: 515B.C.E.–70C.E.

5. “These Bones Shall Rise Again”.

6. The Hebrews and the Hellenists.

7. Religious Ferment: Different Visions of Service to God.

8. “Veni, Vidi, Vici”: Rome and Jerusalem.

BOOKIII: The First Millennium: 70C.E.–1000C.E.

9. Struggling to Survive.

10. The Age of the Talmud.

11. The Challenge of Islam: Mohammed and the Caliphs.

12. Different Kinds of Jews: The Karaites and the Khazars.

BOOKIV: Late Medieval Times: 1000–1700s.

13. “It Was the Best of Times”: The Golden Age of Spain.

14. “It Was the Worst of Times”: The Church and the Jews.

15. “Get Out and Stay Out”: The Decrees of Expulsion.

16. The Renaissance: New Beginnings.

17. The Three Spiritual Revolutions.

BOOKV: The Age of Emancipation: 1700s–1800s.

18. America the Beautiful.

19. “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité”: The Winds of Change Buffet Western Europe.

20. The Lingering Curse of Anti-Semitism.

21. Zionism: “To Dream the Impossible Dream”.

BOOKVI: Modern Times: The Twentieth Century to the Present.

22. “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor . . .”: The American Melting Pot.

23. The Horrors of the Holocaust.

24. Welcome Home: Israel Reborn.

25. War—and Peace? Hopes for the Future.

Further Reading.

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