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More About This Title Eyewitness to Jewish History
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BOOKI: The Biblical Period: 2000–538B.C.E.
1. In the Beginning.
2. Welcome to the Promised Land.
3. In the Days of the Kings.
4. A Kingdom Divided, a Temple Destroyed.
BOOKII: The Second Temple Period: 515B.C.E.–70C.E.
5. “These Bones Shall Rise Again”.
6. The Hebrews and the Hellenists.
7. Religious Ferment: Different Visions of Service to God.
8. “Veni, Vidi, Vici”: Rome and Jerusalem.
BOOKIII: The First Millennium: 70C.E.–1000C.E.
9. Struggling to Survive.
10. The Age of the Talmud.
11. The Challenge of Islam: Mohammed and the Caliphs.
12. Different Kinds of Jews: The Karaites and the Khazars.
BOOKIV: Late Medieval Times: 1000–1700s.
13. “It Was the Best of Times”: The Golden Age of Spain.
14. “It Was the Worst of Times”: The Church and the Jews.
15. “Get Out and Stay Out”: The Decrees of Expulsion.
16. The Renaissance: New Beginnings.
17. The Three Spiritual Revolutions.
BOOKV: The Age of Emancipation: 1700s–1800s.
18. America the Beautiful.
19. “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité”: The Winds of Change Buffet Western Europe.
20. The Lingering Curse of Anti-Semitism.
21. Zionism: “To Dream the Impossible Dream”.
BOOKVI: Modern Times: The Twentieth Century to the Present.
22. “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor . . .”: The American Melting Pot.
23. The Horrors of the Holocaust.
24. Welcome Home: Israel Reborn.
25. War—and Peace? Hopes for the Future.
Further Reading.
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