The Ultimate Advantage: Creating the High-Involvement Organization
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Ultimate Advantage: Creating the High-Involvement Organization


Offers an integrated overview of just how an organization must be designed to realize the full potential of high-involvement management. Details the types of management and reward systems, leadership behaviors, job design, and training programs that make high-involvement organizations really work at such thriving companies as Hewlett-Packard, General Electric, and Xerox. Shows how to implement such specific practices as work teams, skill-based pay, gainsharing, and improvement groups.


EDWARD E. LAWLER is professor of management and organization at the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Southern California, and founder and director of the school's Center for Effective Organizations.


Part One: Searching for Competitive Advantage.

1. Make Management an Advantage.

2. Choose the Right Management Style.

Part Two: Designing Organizations, Work, and Rewards.

3. Create a High-Involvement Structure.

4. Identify Work Design Alternatives.

5. Develop Involving Work.

6. Foster Organization-Improvement Groups.

7. Pay the Person, Not the Job.

Part Three: Managing Information and Human Resources.

9. Promote Open Information Channels.

10. Establish High-Involvement Management Practices.

11. Support Positive Managerial Behavior.

12. Involve Unions in the Organization.

Part Four: Creating High-Involvement Organizations.

13. Develop High-Involvement Business Units.

14. Manage the Change Toward High-Involvement.


"One of the strengths of Lawler's book is its readiness to confrontdirectly the sort of questions that really worry most topmanagers."

"A valuable reference for human resource specialists, managementconsultants, and managers in search of a compass. It clearly laysout where many organizations are heading and presents the newwisdom on how to get there."

"A solid, insightful, and instructive book."