Changing the Essence: The Art of Creating and Leading Fundamental Change in Organizations
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- Wiley
More About This Title Changing the Essence: The Art of Creating and Leading Fundamental Change in Organizations
- English
Reveals the strategies and leadership behaviors required to manage and integrate fundamental change. Uses illustrative examples of CEOs who have successfully led radical rethinking of purpose and priorities, vision, and the very structure and functions of the organization itself.
- English
Richard Beckhard was an American organizational theorist, Adjunct Professor at MIT, and pioneer in the field of organization development. Beckhard co-launched the Addison-Wesley Organization Development Series and began the Organization Development Network in 1967.
Wendy Pritchard is the author of Changing the Essence: The Art of Creating and Leading Environmental Change in Organizations, published by Wiley.
- English
The Authors.
Choosing the Fundamental Change Strategy.
Creating a Learning Organization: Balanced Rewards for Results andImprovement.
Leading a Vision-Driven Change Effort: A Commitment to theFuture.
Focusing the Effort: Crucial Themes That Drive Change.
Resolving the Leader's Personal Dilemmas: Style and Behavior.
Aligning the Organization: Integration of Roles, Systems, andRewards.
Leading the Transition: Strategies for Process, Commitment, andCommunication.
Epilogue: Visionary Leaders and Transformed Organizations.
Suggestions for Further Reading.
The Authors.
Choosing the Fundamental Change Strategy.
Creating a Learning Organization: Balanced Rewards for Results andImprovement.
Leading a Vision-Driven Change Effort: A Commitment to theFuture.
Focusing the Effort: Crucial Themes That Drive Change.
Resolving the Leader's Personal Dilemmas: Style and Behavior.
Aligning the Organization: Integration of Roles, Systems, andRewards.
Leading the Transition: Strategies for Process, Commitment, andCommunication.
Epilogue: Visionary Leaders and Transformed Organizations.
Suggestions for Further Reading.
- English
"The indispensable leadership handbook for men and women who mustmanage the massive change, complexity, and opportunity that markour time." --Frances Hesselbein, president and CEO, The PeterDrucker Foundation
"This new book helps us see that fundamental change is bothpersonal and relentlessly systemic, or it is nothing at all."--Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline
"This new book helps us see that fundamental change is bothpersonal and relentlessly systemic, or it is nothing at all."--Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline