The Way of the Road Warrior: Lessons in Business and Life from the Road Most Traveled
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Way of the Road Warrior: Lessons in Business and Life from the Road Most Traveled


The Way of the Road Warrior offers weary business travelers inspiration, advice, and practical skills for conquering the competition while conducting business on the road.  This business traveler’s handbook is written by Robert L. Jolles—salesman, consultant, professional speaker, and veteran “Road Warrior” who has logged more than twenty years and two million miles in the air.  In The Way of the Road Warrior, he delves into his personal journal and wealth of experience to offer insights on the sometimes difficult balancing act between work, travel, and family.

Robert Lewis Stevenson wrote, “The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek.” In these pages, readers will find that a chance conversation with a cab driver can be as valuable as a sit-down with a CEO.  Jolles also speaks to the dangerous and addictive aspects of business travel and doesn’t sugarcoat the toll it takes on those who wait at home. From beginning to end, The Way of the Road Warrior will teach you why business travel isn’t just a way to do your job, but a warrior’s path to insight, wisdom, and so very much more.


Robert L. Jolles is president of Jolles Associates, Inc., an independent training consulting firm in Great Falls, Virginia. With his black roll-on garment bag along with his black laptop bag, he is a participating member of an emerging cultural army of individuals frequently referred to as "Road Warriors."


Foreword “The SOBs in the Metal Tube” by F.W. Sanzenbacher, Retired Captain, United Airlines.


CHAPTER ONE: Some Days Are Better Than Others.

CHAPTER TWO: When the Other Team Doesn’t Play Fair.

CHAPTER THREE: Deals and Dealers.

CHAPTER FOUR: Workflow: Go? Or No Go?

CHAPTER FIVE: Danger Zones and Detours.

CHAPTER SIX: Battling Slumps and Other Emotional Traps.

CHAPTER SEVEN:“Houston,We’ve Got a Problem”.

CHAPTER EIGHT: Finding the Positives.

CHAPTER NINE: Victory Over Self.

CHAPTER TEN: The Way of Technology.

CHAPTER ELEVEN: 9/11: For George.

CHAPTER TWELVE: Overcoming the Addiction.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The End of My Confessions.


The Author.


"Rob Jolles does it again!  The Way of the Road Warrior is an introspective and thoughtful exposé of life on the road that can benefit anyone in business, particularly those on the front line."
—Eli Jones, Coauthor, Selling ASAP, and executive director, Sales Excellence Institute, University of Houston

"This book is a both a surprisingly personal commentary and also a broadly applicable manual for business.  We can all benefit from Rob Jolles' invaluable advice."
—David M. Rowell, publisher, The Travel Insider (

"A must-read for anyone considering a career that requires significant business travel.  From my position in the front of the plane, I see the faces that are written about in this book.  It is an informative, accurate, and empathetic assessment that anyone who travels, including pilots, should read, and learn from."
—Buzz Collins, pilot, Southwest Airlines

"One word best describes Rob Jolles and why he connects with his readers so well:  he is genuine.   People listen to him, trust him, and learn from him because he is authentic, because he's been there, and because we relate to him.  Don't miss this book!  As our trusted advisor, Rob shares some very special insights about pounding the pavement with us . . . his fellow Road Warriors."
—Joseph A. Sullivan, executive vice president, Legg Mason, Inc.
