Creating, Implementing, and Managing EffectiveTraining and Development: State-of-the-Art Lessons for Practice
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Creating, Implementing, and Managing EffectiveTraining and Development: State-of-the-Art Lessons for Practice


Put the most advanced training practices available today to work for your organization. In this guidebook, a number of researchers and practitioners combine the often unshared breakthroughs from a number of training disciplines into a single set of principles and guidelines that you can use to implement and maintain a state-of-the-art training program. Learn the best practices and most current developments in strategic planning and needs assessment, training design and media selection, training delivery, transfer of training and training evaluation, long-term maintenance of leading programs within organizations, and more!


Kurt Kraiger is professor of psychology at the University of Colorado at Denver and currently serves on the editorial board of Human Factors. He has consulted in the areas of training, selection, and organizational effectiveness for a number of organizations, including McDonald's, Miller Brewing, Warner Lambert, U.S. WEST, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and Global Crossings.


Foreword: Eduardo Salas.


The Authors.

Part One: Designing and Positioning Trainingand Development.

1. Beg, Borrow, and Steal: How the Best TrainingProfessionals KeepUp (Linda L. Rogers, Colleen W. Petersen).

2. A Strategic View of Organizational Trainingand Learning (ScottTannenbaum).

3. Planning for Training Impact: Principles ofTrainingEffectiveness (Raymond A. Noe, Jason A. Colquitt).

4. Leveraging Hidden Expertise: Why, When,and How to Use CognitiveTask Analysis (David A. DuBois).

Part Two: Innovations in Trainingand Development Methods.

5. Training for a Diverse Workplace (Donna Chrobot-Mason, Miguel A.Qui?ones).

6. Management Development: Coaching andMentoring Programs (David B.Peterson.

7. Using Computer Technology in Training:Building an Infrastructurefor Active Learning (Kenneth G. Brown, J. Kevin Ford).

8. What We Know About Designing and DeliveringTeam Training: Tipsand Guidelines (Eduardo Salas, C. Shawn Burke, Janis A.Cannon-Bowers).

Part Three: Evaluating and Institutionalizing Training.

9. Planning, Managing, and Optimizing Transferof Training (M.Anthony Machin).

10. Creating and Maintaining the LearningOrganization (John C.Jeppesen).

11. Decision-Based Evaluation (Kurt Kraiger).

Name Index.

Subject Index.