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- Wiley
More About This Title Science and Technology in Society - FromBiotechnology to the Internet
- English
- Draws on concepts from political sociology, organizational analysis, and contemporary social theory.
- Avoids dense theoretical debate.
- Includes case studies and concluding chapter summaries for students and scholars.
- English
- English
1. Science is Political/ Technology is Social: Concerns, Concepts, and Questions.
Why is Thinking about Science and Technology so Hard?.
Technoscience is Social.
Technoscience is Political.
2. Ceding Debate: Biotechnology and Agriculture.
Biotechnology and the Social Organization of Agriculture and Agri-business.
The Discursive Landscape in the Debate over Biotechnology.
3. Rethinking Information Technology: Caught in the World Wide Web.
Understanding the Digital Divide.
High Technology Education.
Politics, Civil Action, and the Internet.
4. Owning Technoscience: Understanding the New Intellectual Property Battles.
Intellectual Property, Social Common Sense, and the Knowledge Commons.
Intellectual Property and the Information Technology Revolution.
Owning Life: Intellectual Property in Biological Materials.
Intellectual Property and Innovation.
5. Technoscience in the Third World: The Politics of Indigenous Resources.
Science, Technology, and Colonialism.
From Colonialism to Bio-Colonialism.
Towards Equity in the Exchange of Biological Resources.
6. Gender and the Ideology of Merit: Women, Men, Science, and Engineering.
“Merit” and Stratification in Science.
Women, Men, and Academic Science.
Women and Men in Science-Based Industry.
Beyond Stratification in Science and Engineering: Artifacts and Research as Gendered.
7. Democracy and Expertise: Citizenship in a High Tech Age.
The Limits to Expert Knowledge.
The Virtues of Lay Knowledge.
Barriers to Democratizing Technoscience and Expertise.
Strategies for Overcoming the Obstacles.
8. Confronting the Problem: A Summary and Coda.
- English
"An excellent book for an introduction to science and technology studies in the context of a social science survey course or seminar." Choice