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More About This Title Electric Power Principles - Sources, Conversion,Distribution and Use
- English
This innovative approach to the fundamentals of electric power provides the most rigorous, comprehensive and modern treatment available. To impart a thorough grounding in electric power systems, it begins with an informative discussion on per-unit normalizations, symmetrical components and iterative load flow calculations.
Covering important topics within the power system, such as protection and DC transmission, this book looks at both traditional power plants and those used for extracting sustainable energy from wind and sunlight.
With classroom-tested material, this book also presents:
- the principles of electromechanical energy conversion and magnetic circuits;
- synchronous machines - the most important generators of electric power;
- power electronics;
- induction and direct current electric motors.
Homework problems with varying levels of difficulty are included at the end of each chapter, and an online solutions manual for tutors is available. A useful Appendix contains a review of elementary network theory.
For senior undergraduate and postgraduate students studying advanced electric power systems as well as engineers re-training in this area, this textbook will be an indispensable resource. It will also benefit engineers in electronic power systems, power electronic systems, electric motors and generators, robotics and mechatronics.
- English
- English
1 Electric Power Systems 1
1.1 Electric Utility Systems 2
1.2 Energy and Power 3
1.2.1 Basics and Units 3
1.3 Sources of Electric Power 3
1.3.1 Heat Engines 4
1.3.2 Power Plants 5
1.3.3 Nuclear Power Plants 8
1.3.4 Hydroelectric Power 9
1.3.5 Wind Turbines 10
1.3.6 Solar Power Generation 12
1.4 Electric Power Plants and Generation 15
1.5 Problems 15
2 AC Voltage, Current and Power 17
2.1 Sources and Power 17
2.1.1 Voltage and Current Sources 17
2.1.2 Power 18
2.1.3 Sinusoidal Steady State 18
2.1.4 Phasor Notation 19
2.1.5 Real and Reactive Power 19
2.2 Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors 21
2.2.1 Reactive Power and Voltage 22
2.2.2 Reactive Power Voltage Support 23
2.3 Problems 26
3 Transmission Lines 31
3.1 Modeling: Telegrapher’s Equations 32
3.1.1 Traveling Waves 33
3.1.2 Characteristic Impedance 33
3.1.3 Power 35
3.1.4 Line Terminations and Reflections 35
3.1.5 Sinusoidal Steady State 40
3.2 Problems 42
4 Polyphase Systems 45
4.0.1 Two-Phase Systems 45
4.1 Three-Phase Systems 47
4.2 Line–Line Voltages 49
4.2.1 Example: Wye and Delta Connected Loads 50
4.2.2 Example: Use of Wye–Delta for Unbalanced Loads 52
4.3 Problems 54
5 Electrical and Magnetic Circuits 57
5.1 Electric Circuits 57
5.1.1 Kirchoff ’s Current Law (KCL) 57
5.1.2 Kirchoff ’s Voltage Law (KVL) 58
5.1.3 Constitutive Relationship: Ohm’s Law 58
5.2 Magnetic Circuit Analogies 60
5.2.1 Analogy to KCL 60
5.2.2 Analogy to KVL: Magnetomotive Force 61
5.2.3 Analogy to Ohm’s Law: Reluctance 61
5.2.4 Simple Case 62
5.2.5 Flux Confinement 63
5.2.6 Example: C-Core 63
5.2.7 Example: Core with Different Gaps 64
5.3 Problems 66
6 Transformers 71
6.1 Single-phase Transformers 71
6.1.1 Ideal Transformer 72
6.1.2 Deviations from Ideal Transformer 73
6.2 Three-Phase Transformers 75
6.2.1 Example 77
6.3 Problems 80
7 Polyphase Lines and Single-Phase Equivalents 85
7.1 Polyphase Transmission and Distribution Lines 85
7.1.1 Example 87
7.2 Introduction To Per-Unit Systems 88
7.2.1 Normalization Of Voltage and Current 88
7.2.2 Three-Phase Systems 90
7.2.3 Networks with Transformers 90
7.2.4 Transforming from one base to another 91
7.2.5 Example: Fault Study 92
7.3 Appendix: Inductances of Transmission Lines 94
7.3.1 Single Wire 94
7.3.2 Mutual Inductance 96
7.3.3 Bundles of Conductors 96
7.3.4 Transposed Lines 97
7.4 Problems 98
8 Electromagnetic Forces and Loss Mechanisms 103
8.1 Energy Conversion Process 103
8.1.1 Principle of Virtual Work 104
8.1.2 Coenergy 108
8.2 Continuum Energy Flow 110
8.2.1 Material Motion 111
8.2.2 Additional Issues in Energy Methods 112
8.2.3 Electric Machine Description 116
8.2.4 Field Description of Electromagnetic Force: The Maxwell Stress Tensor 118
8.2.5 Tying the MST and Poynting Approaches together 120
8.3 Surface Impedance of Uniform Conductors 124
8.3.1 Linear Case 124
8.3.2 Iron 128
8.3.3 Magnetization 128
8.3.4 Saturation and Hysteresis 129
8.3.5 Conduction, Eddy Currents and Laminations 131
8.3.6 Eddy Currents in Saturating Iron 133
8.4 Semi-Empirical Method of Handling Iron Loss 136
8.5 Problems 139
9 Synchronous Machines 145
9.1 Round Rotor Machines: Basics 146
9.1.1 Operation with a Balanced Current Source 147
9.1.2 Operation with a Voltage Source 147
9.2 Reconciliation of Models 150
9.2.1 Torque Angles 150
9.3 Per-Unit Systems 151
9.4 Normal Operation 152
9.4.1 Capability Diagram 153
9.4.2 Vee Curve 153
9.5 Salient Pole Machines: Two-Reaction Theory 154
9.6 Synchronous Machine Dynamics 157
9.7 Synchronous Machine Dynamic Model 159
9.7.1 Electromagnetic Model 159
9.7.2 Park’s Equations 160
9.7.3 Power and Torque 164
9.7.4 Per-Unit Normalization 164
9.7.5 Equivalent Circuits 167
9.7.6 Transient Reactances and Time Constants 168
9.8 Statement of Simulation Model 169
9.8.1 Example: Transient Stability 170
9.8.2 Equal Area Transient Stability Criterion 170
9.9 Appendix: Transient Stability Code 173
9.10 Appendix: Winding Inductance Calculation 176
9.10.1 Pitch Factor 180
9.10.2 Breadth Factor 180
9.11 Problems 182
10 System Analysis and Protection 185
10.1 The Symmetrical Component Transformation 185
10.2 Sequence Impedances 188
10.2.1 Balanced Transmission Lines 188
10.2.2 Balanced Load 189
10.2.3 Possibly Unbalanced Loads 190
10.2.4 Unbalanced Sources 191
10.2.5 Rotating Machines 193
10.2.6 Transformers 193
10.3 Fault Analysis 197
10.3.1 Single Line–neutral Fault 198
10.3.2 Double Line–neutral Fault 199
10.3.3 Line–Line Fault 200
10.3.4 Example of Fault Calculations 201
10.4 System Protection 205
10.4.1 Fuses 206
10.5 Switches 207
10.6 Coordination 208
10.6.1 Ground Overcurrent 208
10.7 Impedance Relays 208
10.7.1 Directional Elements 209
10.8 Differential Relays 210
10.8.1 Ground Fault Protection for Personnel 211
10.9 Zones of System Protection 212
10.10 Problems 212
11 Load Flow 219
11.1 Two Ports and Lines 219
11.1.1 Power Circles 221
11.2 Load Flow in a Network 222
11.3 Gauss–Seidel Iterative Technique 224
11.4 Bus Admittance 226
11.4.1 Bus Incidence 226
11.4.2 Alternative Assembly of Bus Admittance 227
11.5 Example: Simple Program 228
11.5.1 Example Network 228
11.6 MATLAB Script for the Load Flow Example 229
11.7 Problems 231
12 Power Electronics and Converters in Power Systems 235
12.1 Switching Devices 235
12.1.1 Diode 236
12.1.2 Thyristor 236
12.1.3 Bipolar Transistors 237
12.2 Rectifier Circuits 239
12.2.1 Full-Wave Rectifier 239
12.3 DC–DC Converters 247
12.3.1 Pulse Width Modulation 249
12.3.2 Boost Converter 249
12.4 Canonical Cell 255
12.4.1 Bidirectional Converter 255
12.4.2 H-Bridge 257
12.5 Three-Phase Bridge Circuits 259
12.5.1 Rectifier Operation 259
12.5.2 Phase Control 261
12.5.3 Commutation Overlap 262
12.5.4 AC Side Current Harmonics 265
12.6 High-Voltage DC Transmission 270
12.7 Basic Operation of a Converter Bridge 271
12.7.1 Turn-On Switch 272
12.7.2 Inverter Terminal 272
12.8 Achieving High Voltage 273
12.9 Problems 274
13 Induction Machines 281
13.1 Introduction 281
13.2 Induction Machine Transformer Model 283
13.2.1 Operation: Energy Balance 289
13.2.2 Example of Operation 294
13.2.3 Motor Performance Requirements 294
13.3 Squirrel-Cage Machines 296
13.4 Single-Phase Induction Motors 297
13.4.1 Rotating Fields 297
13.4.2 Power Conversion in the Single-Phase Induction Machine 298
13.4.3 Starting of Single-Phase Induction Motors 300
13.4.4 Split Phase Operation 301
13.5 Induction Generators 303
13.6 Induction Motor Control 306
13.6.1 Volts/Hz Control 306
13.6.2 Field Oriented Control 307
13.6.3 Elementary Model 308
13.6.4 Simulation Model 309
13.6.5 Control Model 310
13.6.6 Field-Oriented Strategy 311
13.7 Doubly Fed Induction Machines 313
13.7.1 Steady State Operation 315
13.8 Appendix 1: Squirrel-Cage Machine Model 318
13.8.1 Rotor Currents and Induced Flux 319
13.8.2 Squirrel-Cage Currents 320
13.9 Appendix 2: Single-Phase Squirrel Cage Model 325
13.10 Appendix 3: Induction Machine Winding Schemes 326
13.10.1 Winding Factor for Concentric Windings 329
13.11 Problems 331
14 DC (Commutator) Machines 337
14.1 Geometry 337
14.2 Torque Production 338
14.3 Back Voltage 339
14.4 Operation 341
14.4.1 Shunt Operation 342
14.4.2 Separately Excited 343
14.4.3 Machine Capability 345
14.5 Series Connection 346
14.6 Universal Motors 348
14.7 Commutator 349
14.7.1 Commutation Interpoles 351
14.7.2 Compensation 351
14.8 Compound Wound DC Machines 352
14.9 Problems 354
15 Permanent Magnets in Electric Machines 357
15.1 Permanent Magnets 357
15.1.1 Permanent Magnets in Magnetic Circuits 359
15.1.2 Load Line Analysis 360
15.2 Commutator Machines 363
15.2.1 Voltage 365
15.2.2 Armature Resistance 366
15.3 Brushless PM Machines 367
15.4 Motor Morphologies 367
15.4.1 Surface Magnet Machines 367
15.4.2 Interior Magnet, Flux Concentrating Machines 368
15.4.3 Operation 369
15.4.4 A Little Two-Reaction Theory 371
15.4.5 Finding Torque Capability 374
15.5 Problems 380
Index 385
- English