Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012
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Master the "Inventor" way of 3D mechanical design with this expert guide

This Autodesk Official Training Guide is your best resource for learning how to create, document, and verify your design using Autodesk's powerful Inventor 2012 software. Mastering Inventor is a detailed reference and tutorial that quickly covers Inventor basics before moving on to detail topics rarely documented elsewhere, such as configuring your design with iLogic, practical ways to work with large assemblies, using 2D and 3D data from other CAD systems, working with styles and standards, designing and detailing weldments and frames, and working with Tube and Pipe and Cable and Harness design tools.

Expert author Curtis Waguespack draws on his extensive Inventor experience across multiple industries to provide you with a wealth of real-world tips, tricks, and techniques so readers can improve designs, work productively, and employ Inventor and industry-standard best practices. This Mastering book is recommended as a Certification Preparation study guide resource for the Inventor Associate and Professional exams.

Covers all the new features in Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012Written by Inventor Certified Expert and Autodesk Manufacturing Implementation Certified Expert Curtis Waguespack, who draws on his extensive Inventor experience across multiple industriesProvides a wealth of real-world tips, tricks, and techniques for using Inventor in professional environmentsCovers rapid digital prototyping, designing weldments and frames, sheet metal design, conducting dynamic simulation and stress analysis, and much moreHelps you prepare for the Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Associate and Certified Professional exams

Want to master Autodesk Inventor? Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012 is the resource you need.


Curtis Waguespack is an Inventor Certified Expert and an Autodesk Manufacturing Implementation Certified Expert who has trained, consulted, and supported manufacturing and design firms in industries ranging from aerospace to consumer products to industrial machinery. Curtis uses Inventor daily in a real-world design environment, where he works on new designs and maintains existing design documentation in stride. Using Inventor to design and properly document construction equipment, industrial machinery, food service equipment, and electronic devices has given him a broad and deep understanding of how Inventor is used in real-world environments across different industries.


Introduction  xxvii

Chapter 1 • Inventor Design Philosophy 1

Understanding Parametric Design  1

Creating a Base Sketch 1

Creating a Base Feature 2

Adding More Features 2

Using the Part in an Assembly 3

Making Changes 3

Understanding History-Based Modeling and Dependencies  4

Looking Closer at Sketch Dimensions 5

Part Modeling Best Practices 6

Assembly Modeling Best Practices  8

Understanding the “Feel” of Inventor 10

Understanding the Intuitive Interface 10

Using General Tools vs. Specific Commands 11

When in Doubt, Right-Click  12

Using the Inventor Graphical Interface  13

Inventor Title Bar  13

Inventor Graphics Window Tools 15

The Ribbon Menu 18

The Browser Pane 20

Task-Based Dialog Boxes 25

Learning the File Types in Inventor  27

Why So Many File Types? 27

Drawing Files in Inventor  28

Moving from AutoCAD to Inventor  30

3D Models vs. 3D Virtual Prototypes 31

What Is a 3D Virtual Prototype?  31

Why a 3D Virtual Prototype? 31

Understanding Functional Design  33

The Design Accelerator  34

The Bolted Connection Generator  34

The Frame Generator  35

The Inventor Studio  35

The Content Center 35

The Bottom Line 35

Chapter 2 • Data and Projects  37

What Is an Inventor Project?  37

Project Files and Search Paths  38

Library Folders  40

Content Center Files 41

How Search Paths and Project Files Are Used 41

Exploring Project File Types 42

Creating the Project File  44

Creating Single-User Projects 45

Creating Multiuser Projects  53

Understanding Inventor Templates 55

Working with Styles, Style Libraries, and Company Standards 55

The Bottom Line 59

Chapter 3 • Sketch Techniques . 61

Exploring the Options and Settings for Sketches 61

Application Options 62

Document Settings 66

Sketching Basics 67

Creating a Sketch in a New Part  72

Creating a New Part File from a Template  72

Creating Lines Using the Line Tool 73

Understanding Sketch Constraints  75

Using Degrees of Freedom to View Underconstrained Sketch Elements  77

Using Dimensions to Fully Constrain a Sketch 78

Understanding the Save Options 81

Making a Sketch Active for Edits 82

Using Construction Geometry 82

Using the Polygon Tool and Creating an Aligned Dimension  84

Using Offset and Creating a Three-Point Rectangle 85

Creating Driven Dimensions  88

Taking a Closer Look at Sketch Constraints  90

Tangent Constraint 90

Perpendicular Constraint  91

Parallel Constraint  92

Coincident Constraint  92

Concentric Constraint  93

Collinear Constraint 94

Horizontal Constraint  94

Vertical Constraint  95

Equal Constraint 96

Fix Constraint  96

Symmetric Constraint  97

Smooth Constraint  98

Gaining More Sketch Skills  99

Creating Arcs 99

Creating Automatic Tangents with the Line Tool  101

Understanding the Point/Center Point tool 101

Projecting Geometry  102

Learning More About Dimensions  102

Measuring Geometry 106

Creating Sketches from AutoCAD Geometry 107

Importing Existing AutoCAD Designs 107

Copying and Pasting Existing AutoCAD Designs into Inventor  109

Creating and Using 3D Sketches 110

Creating a 3D Path  110

Using the 3D Coordinate Triad and Precise Redefine  111

Exploring More 3D Sketch Tools  114

Best Practices for Working with Sketches  119

The Bottom Line 120

Chapter 4 • Basic Modeling Techniques 123

Exploring Application Options and Settings for Part Modeling  123

Specifying Global Settings  124

Specifying Document-Specific Settings  125

Creating Basic Part Features 132

Simplifying Your Sketches  135

Creating a Base Feature 136

Creating a Second Feature 138

Creating a Sketch-Based Hole Feature  140

Creating a Rectangular Hole Pattern 143

Editing Sketches and Features  145

Repairing Features and Sketches 148

Exploring the Extrude Tool 150

Extruding with Cut and Taper . 150

Extruding with Intersect 151

Extruding Surfaces from Open Profiles  152

Extruding Solids from Open Profiles  153

Extruding with To 154

Extruding with To Next 157

Extruding Between 157

Extruding Multibodies 158

Creating Revolved Parts and Threads  160

Creating Revolved Cylindrical Parts 160

Creating Extruded Cylindrical Parts 161

Creating Threaded Features 164

Creating Work Features  166

Work Planes 167

Work Axes and Work Points 172

Creating Fillets 176

Edge Fillets 176

Face Fillets  178

Full Round Fillets 179

Working with Fillet Features  179

Hole Features 181

Using the Thread and Clearance Spreadsheets 181

Creating Holes in Parts  182

Setting Tolerance Values in Holes  185

Bend Parts  186

The Bottom Line 187

Chapter 5 • Advanced Modeling Techniques  189

Creating Complex Sweeps and Lofts  189

Creating and Using Sweeps  190

Exploring Sweep Options  192

Creating Loft Features 196

Creating a Part Using Loft and Sculpt 203

Creating Multi-body Parts  205

Creating Multiple Solids  205

Using One Solid to Shape Another  208

Creating Derived Parts and Assemblies 212

Creating Derived Parts  212

Deriving a Part File 212

Deriving an Assembly File  213

Modifying Derived Parts 214

Using the Component Derive Tool 214

Using Nonlinear-Derived Part Scaling 215

Working with Patterns  215

Rectangular Patterns  216

Circular Patterns 217

Patterns Along Curves 219

Spiral Patterns 220

Pattern Solids 222

Dynamic Patterns 225

Setting Parameters and iProperties 226

iProperties  226

Part Parameters 227

Assembly Parameters 233

Adding Part Tolerances 233

Tolerances in Sketches  234

Setting Global File Tolerances 235

Working with Limits and Fits 237

Troubleshooting Failures with the End-of-Part Marker 240

Step 1: Editing the First Feature 240

Step 2: Moving the EOP Marker Down One Feature at a Time 242

The Bottom Line 243

Chapter 6 • Sheet Metal 245

Understanding Sheet-Metal Parts 245

Getting to Know the Features  246

Starting with a Base Feature 246

Creating Secondary Flange Features 252

Adding, Removing, or Deforming Material 261

Using Sheet-Metal Templates and Rules  277

What Are Sheet-Metal Rules? 277

Working with Styles and Templates  284

Working with the Flat Pattern  285

Exploring the Flat Pattern Edit Features 285

Adding Manufacturing Information to the Flat Pattern  286

Using the Flat Pattern Definition Dialog Box 287

Manufacturing Your Flat Pattern 288

Using Sheet-Metal iPart Factories  288

iParts for Configurations 288

iParts for Fold Progression 289

Modeling with Non-Sheet-Metal Features 289

Selecting Problematic Features 289

Using Surface-Based Workflows  290

Working with Imported Parts  290

Setting Yourself Up for Success  291

Converting Components  291

Annotating Your Sheet-Metal Design 292

Creating a View of Your Sheet-Metal Design 292

Adding Bend, Punch, and Flat Pattern Annotations  293

Harvesting Legacy Sheet-Metal Templates  296

Parameter Indirection  296

The Hidden Tools of Harvesting  297

The Bottom Line 299

Chapter 7 • Part and Feature Reuse  301

Working with iParts 301

Creating and Modifying iParts 302

Using iParts in Designs  314

Working with iFeatures 315

Creating iFeatures 316

Creating Punch Features 321

Reusing Existing Geometry 325

Copying Features  325

Cloning 327

Linking Parameters between Two Files  327

Copying Sketches  329

Introducing Content Center 331

Configuring Content Center 331

Using Content Center 333

Customizing Content Center Libraries 337

Publishing Parts to Content Center 341

The Bottom Line 345

Chapter 8 • Assembly-Design Workflows 347

Assembly Constraints 348

How Constraints Work  348

Degrees of Freedom  349

Grounded Components 351

Working with Constraints 351

Motion Constraints 361

Additional Constrain Tools and Options  364

Understanding Subassemblies 370

Top-Down Design  371

Developing an Efficient Assembly Workflow  372

Layout Sketches 376

Flexibility 378

Adaptivity 379

Creating Adaptivity  380

Removing Adaptivity from Parts 381

Assembly Features 382

Managing the Bill of Materials  384

Parts-Level BOM Control 385

Assembly-Level BOM Control  385

Assembly Reuse and Configurations  392

Copying Designs 392

Using Representations 395

Using iAssemblies  404

The Bottom Line 409

Chapter 9 • Large Assembly Strategies 411

Selecting a Workstation 411

Physical Memory vs. Virtual Memory  411

64-bit Systems vs. 32-bit Systems  413

Hardware 414

Working with Performance Settings 416

Working with Drawing Settings  416

Working with Model Display Settings  419

Working with General Settings 421

Working with System Settings 424

Large Assembly Best Practices 425

Working with the Model  426

Improving File Open Time  426

Reducing Assembly Constraints  426

Opening the Model 432

Working with Large Assembly Drawings  434

Managing Assembly Detail  437

LOD Strategies 437

Substitute LODs  439

Subassembly LODs 442

Simplifying Parts   443

Removing or Suppressing Unneeded Features  444

Working with Colors  445

The Bottom Line 446

Chapter 10 • Weldment Design 449

Exploring Weldment Design Methodologies 449

Modeling Preparations  453

Exploring Cosmetic Welds  455

Creating Weld Beads 458

Creating Fillet Welds 459

Modeling a Fillet Weld 460

Creating Intermittent Fillet Welds 463

Creating Groove Welds 463

Performing Machining Operations 466

Exploring Weld Properties and Combinations 467

Weld Properties 467

Replication 468

Groove and Fillet Weld Combinations  468

Split Technique  469

Using the Weld Symbol 472

Understanding Bead Property Report and Mass Properties  473

Creating Drawing Documentation  474

Weldment Design Stages 476

End Fill 477

Drawing Weld Symbol 478

Caterpillar  479

Generating a Bill of Materials and Parts List 481

The Bottom Line 482

Chapter 11 • Functional Design 483

Geometric Modeling vs. Functional Design  483

A General Introduction to Design Accelerators  485

Design Accelerators Input 485

Design Accelerators Output  487

Design Generators and Content Center 490

Bolted Connections  492

Calculators 497

Generators 501

Gear Generator  501

Key Connections 505

Shaft Generator 508

Cam Generator  514

Spring Generator 520

Additional Resources 523

The Bottom Line 524

Chapter 12 • Documentation 525

Working in the Presentation Environment  525

Creating a Basic Explosion  525

Creating Advanced Presentations  529

Using the Drawing Manager  534

Creating Templates and Styles 535

Understanding Template Locations 535

Choosing a File Format  536

Utilizing Drawing Resources 537

Sheet Size  538

Multiple Sheets  538

Creating a Border  539

Creating a Title Block 540

iProperties  542

General File Properties 544

Prompted Entry 546

Sketched Symbols 547

AutoCAD Blocks 550

Sheet Formats  550

Transfer Drawing Resources 551

Editing Styles and Standards 552

Object Defaults  552

Creating Styles 556

Working with Substyles 557

Drawing Style Administration 558

Creating Drawing Views 559

Creating a Base View  559

Creating Projected Views  561

Moving and Copying Views 563

Creating Sections Views  564

Slice Views 568

Using Breakout Views  568

Using Detail Views 572

Creating Break Views 573

Cropping Views  575

Using Draft Views 576

Creating Overlay Views 576

Annotating Part Drawings 577

Using Centerline and Center Marks . 577

Creating Dimensions  581

Annotating Assembly Drawings 600

Assembly Representations  600

Reference Data in Drawing Views 603

Interference and Tangent Edge Display  604

Parts Lists 604

Balloons  606

Center of Gravity Display  608

Working with Sheet-Metal Drawings 609

Flat Pattern Views 609

Bend Centerlines and Extents 610

Bend and Punch Notes 610

Bend Tables  611

Punch Tables  612

Working with Weldment Views 613

Working with iParts and iAssembly Drawings  616

Sharing Your Drawings Outside Your Workgroup  617

Additional Resources 617

The Bottom Line 618

Chapter 13 • Inventor Tools Overview  619

Exploring the BIM Exchange  619

Model Simplification  620

Model Authoring  620

Model Publishing  621

Using AutoLimits 623

Creating AutoLimits 625

Editing AutoLimits 628

Using the Design Assistant 628

Using the Find Files Tool 630

Using the Where Used Tool 631

Renaming, Copying, and Replacing Files 632

Using Pack And Go  634

Using the Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard 637

Using Style Tools  638

Using the Style Library Manager 638

Using the Style Management Wizard  640

Exploring the Supplier Content Center  642

Using the Task Scheduler  643

Creating a Task for Migrating Files 644

Performing Sequential Tasks  646

Performing Custom Tasks 646

Tweaking Multi-Process Settings 646

Publishing DWF Files and Filenames  647

Using iProperties  647

Copying iProperties to Drawings  649

Creating Expressions with iProperties  650

Working with the DA and iProperties 652

Creating Design Property Reports 653

Using the Measure Tools 653

Using Measurement Helpers  654

Measuring in Assemblies  655

Participating in the CIP and CER  655

Participating in the CIP  656

Participating in CER 656

Using Miscellaneous Tools 657

Using the Autodesk Multi-Sheet Plot Tool  657

Using the Add-In Manager 658

Using the Project Editor 658

The Bottom Line 659

Chapter 14 • Exchanging Data with Other Systems  661

Importing and Exporting Geometry 661

DWG  662

Mechanical Desktop (MDT) DWG 666

STEP and IGES  667

SAT  670

Using Inventor File Translators  672

CATIA Import Options  673

Pro/ENGINEER Import Options 674

Unigraphics and Parasolids Import Options 676

SolidWorks Import Options  677

Rhino Import Options  678

IDF Board Files  679

Placing Components from Other CAD Systems  679

Working with Imported Data 680

Working in the Construction Environment  680

Editing Imported Data Using Inventor Fusion  685

Viewing DWF Markup  688

Publishing a DWF or DWFx File  688

Reviewing and Marking Up DWF and DWFx Files  690

Accessing DWF or DWFx Markups in Inventor 691

The Bottom Line 692

Chapter 15 • Frame Generator  695

Accessing the Frame Generator Tools 695

Exploring the Frame Generator File Structure  696

Exploring the Anatomy of a Frame Member 698

Inserting Frame Members  700

Specifying a Structural Shape  700

Changing the Orientation 700

Selecting Placement Geometry 702

Create a Basic Frame 703

Aligning Frame Members 705

Using the Change Tool 707

Adding End Treatments  708

Miter  709

Trim/Extend to Face 711

Trim to Frame Member  712

Notch Frame Members 712

Lengthen/Shorten Frame Member  713

Maintaining Frames  714

Remove End Treatments  714

Frame Member Information  714

Refresh  714

Performing Calculations and Analysis 715

The Beam and Column Calculator 716

Publishing Frame Members 724

Authoring a Part 724

Publishing a Part 727

Frame Assemblies and BOMs  728

The Bottom Line 729

Chapter 16 • Inventor Studio 731

Exploring the Inventor Studio Environment 731

Creating and Managing Studio Styles  732

Exploring the Surface Styles Dialog Box 733

Exploring Lighting and Lighting Styles  740

Exploring the Scene Styles Dialog Box  747

Composing and Rendering Images 751

Animating with Studio 756

Using Animation Tools  757

Using Video Producer  766

Rendering Video or Animations  768

Additional Resources 770

The Bottom Line 770

Chapter 17 • Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation  773

Introduction to Analysis 773

Conducting Stress Analysis Simulations 774

Simulation Guide  775

Static Stress vs. Modal Analysis 776

Simplifying Your Model  776

Specifying Materials 777

Applying Simulation Constraints  777

Applying Loads 778

Specifying Contact Conditions 781

Generating a Mesh  782

Running the Simulation 785

Interpreting the Results 785

Using the Result, Scaling, Display, and Report Tools 786

Conducting Parameter Studies 787

Conducting a Frame Analysis 791

Frame Analysis Settings  791

Frame Constraints 791

Frame Loads  792

Connections 793

Results 793

Conducting Dynamic Simulations  794

Working with Joints  795

More on Working with Joints  799

Working with Redundancy 800

Working with Environmental Constraints 801

Running a Simulation 807

Exporting to FEA 810

Using the Dynamic Simulation Information in Stress Analysis  811

The Bottom Line 811

Chapter 18 • Routed Systems  813

Tube and Pipe 813

Understanding Routes, Runs, and Assembly Structure 813

Exploring the Tube and Pipe Styles 815

Placing Fittings  820

Creating Routes 821

Exporting ISOGEN Files  830

Cable and Harness 830

Creating and Placing Electrical Parts  831

Creating a Harness 834

Placing Wires 836

Using the Cable & Harness Library 838

Placing Cables 838

Placing and Editing Segments  839

Copying Cable and Harness Designs  843

Creating Nailboard Drawings  844

Additional Resources 846

The Bottom Line 846

Chapter 19 • Plastics Design Features  847

Creating Thicken/Offset Features 848

Creating Shell Features 849

Creating Split Features  851

Creating Grill Features  852

Creating Rule Fillet Features  854

Creating Rest Features 855

Creating Boss Features  858

Creating Lip and Groove Features  860

Creating Snap Fit Features  861

Creating Rib and Web Features 864

Creating Draft Features 865

Mold Design Overview 868

Inventor Tooling  868

Importing a Plastic Part 869

Creating Runners and Gates 872

Analyzing and Creating Cores and Cavities  874

The Bottom Line 883

Chapter 20 • iLogic 885

What Is iLogic? 885

Understanding iLogic Rules 886

What Are Functions?  886

Conditional Statements  889

Understanding the iLogic Elements and Interface 891

Exploring iLogic Parameter Types 892

Getting Around the iLogic Browser  894

Creating iLogic Parameters, Rules, and Forms 900

Creating iLogic Rules 900

Creating iLogic Forms  915

Working with iLogic Components  924

iLogic Design Copy 925

The Bottom Line 926

Appendix A • The Bottom Line  929

Chapter 1: Inventor Design Philosophy  929

Chapter 2: Data and Projects  931

Chapter 3: Sketch Techniques  932

Chapter 4: Basic Modeling Techniques 933

Chapter 5: Advanced Modeling Techniques 935

Chapter 6: Sheet Metal  936

Chapter 7: Part and Feature Reuse  939

Chapter 8: Assembly-Design Workflows  940

Chapter 9: Large Assembly Strategies  942

Chapter 10: Weldment Design 944

Chapter 11: Functional Design 945

Chapter 12: Documentation  946

Chapter 13: Inventor Tools Overview 947

Chapter 14: Exchanging Data with Other Systems 949

Chapter 15: Frame Generator 950

Chapter 16: Inventor Studio  952

Chapter 17: Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation 955

Chapter 18: Routed Systems 956

Chapter 19: Plastics Design Features  957

Chapter 20: iLogic  959

Appendix B • Inventor Certification 963

Index 971
