Access 2003 Bible
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Access 2003 Bible


Cary N. Prague is an internationally best-selling author and lecturer in the database industry. He owns Database Creations, Inc., the world’s largest Microsoft Access add-on company. Their products include a line of financial software; Business! For Microsoft Office, a mid-range accounting system, POSitively Business! Point of Sale software, the Inventory Barcode manager for mobile data collection, and the Check Writer and General Ledger. Database Creations also produces a line of developer tools including the appBuilder, an application generator for Microsoft Access, the EZ Access Developer Tools for building great user interfaces, appWatcher for maintaining code bases among several developers, and Surgical Strike, the only Patch Manager for Microsoft Access.
Cary also owns Database Creations Consulting, LLC., a successful consulting firm specializing in Microsoft Access and SQL Server applications. Local and national clients include many Fortune 100 companies including manufacturers, defense contractors, insurance, health-care, and software industry companies. His client list includes Microsoft, United Technologies, ABB, Smith & Wesson Firearms, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, ProHealth, OfficeMax, Continental Airlines, and other Fortune 500 companies.

Michael R. Irwin is considered one of the leading authorities on automated database and Internet management systems today. He is a noted worldwide lecturer, a winner of national and international awards, best-selling author, and developer of client/server, Internet, Intranet, and PC-based database management systems.
Michael has extensive database knowledge, gained by working with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. as a developer and analyst for the Information Systems Division for over 20 years and assorted Federal Agencies of the United States Government. Since retiring in June 1992, he runs his own consulting firm, named The Irwin Group, and is principal partner in the company - IT in Asia, LLC, specializing in Internet database integration and emphasizing Client/Server and net solutions. With consulting offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, Bangkok, Thailand, and Manila, Philippines, his companies offer training and development of Internet and database applications. His company has the distinction of being one of the first Microsoft Solution’s Providers (in 1992). His local, national, and international clients include many software companies, manufacturers, government agencies, and international companies.

Jennifer Reardon is considered a leading developer of custom database applications. She has over ten years’ experience developing client/server and PC-based applications. She has accumulated much of her application development experience working as lead developer for Database Creations. She has partnered with Cary Prague developing applications for many Fortune 500 companies.
Her most significant projects include a spare parts inventory control system for Pratt & Whitney’s F22 program, an engineering specifications system for ABBCombustion Engineering, and an emergency event tracking system for the State of Connecticut. She was also the lead developer of many of the Database Creations add-on software products including Business, Yes! I Can Run My Business, Check Writer, and the User Interface Construction Kit.


Preface xi

Acknowledgments  xxxi

Part I: Creating Desktop Applications 1

Section I: Working with Data Tables and Queries 1

Chapter 1: Understanding Data 3

Chapter 2: Creating and Building Tables 35

Chapter 3: Entering Data into Tables and Forms 85

Chapter 4: Creating and Understanding Relationships 123

Chapter 5: Displaying Selected Data with Queries 153

Chapter 6: Using Operators and Expressions in Multi-table Select Queries 203

Chapter 7: Working with External Data 247

Section II: Building Forms and Reports 299

Chapter 8: Understanding the Many Uses of Forms and Controls 301

Chapter 9: Building and Manipulating Forms and Controls 321

Chapter 10: Creating Bound Forms and Placing Controls 349

Chapter 11: Adding Data-Validation Features to Forms 391

Chapter 12: Creating Professional-Looking Forms and Reports 421

Chapter 13: Understanding and Creating Reports 443

Chapter 14: Working with Subforms 503

Chapter 15: Creating Calculations and Summaries in Reports 539

Chapter 16: Presenting Data with Special Report Types 575

Chapter 17: Using OLE Objects, Graphs, Pivot Tables/Charts, and ActiveX Controls 603

Section III: Automating Your Applications 653

Chapter 18: Understanding Visual Basic and the VBA Editor 655

Chapter 19: Introduction to Programming and Events 679

Chapter 20: Working with Expressions and Functions 713

Chapter 21: Working with SQL, Recordsets, and ADO 737

Chapter 22: Automating, Searches, Filters, and Query Parameters 757

Chapter 23: Calling Subprocedures and Functions 771

Chapter 24: Effective Debugging and Error Handling in VBA 783

Chapter 25: Creating Switchboards, Command Bars, Menus, Toolbars, and Dialog Boxes 805

Chapter 26: Programming Continuous Forms, Tab Dialogs, and Command Buttons 865

Part II: Creating Enterprise Applications 883

Section IV: Upsizing to SQL Server and MSDE 2000 883

Chapter 27: Upsizing Data to a SQL Server Database 885

Chapter 28: Working with Access Projects 903

Chapter 29: Working with Access Projects and SQL Server Tables and Queries 921

Part III: Creating Web Applications 945

Section V: Creating Data Access Pages and Using XML and InfoPath 945

Chapter 30: Using and Creating Access Objects for Intranets and the Internet 947

Chapter 31: Building and Working with Data Access Pages 981

Chapter 32: XML, Access, and InfoPath 1037

Part IV: Advanced Access Database Topics 1081

Chapter 33: Exchanging Data with Office Applications 1083

Chapter 34: Adding Security to Applications 1101

Chapter 35: Creating Help Systems 1143

Chapter 36: Working with Advanced Select Queries and Other Query Topics 1179

Chapter 37: Working with Action and SQL Queries 1229

Chapter 38: Increasing the Speed of an Application 1265

Chapter 39: Preparing Your Application for Distribution 1309

Part V: Appendixes and Reference Material 1331

Appendix A: Access 2003 Specifications 1333

Appendix B: Access Auto Auction Tables 1339

Appendix C: Using the CD-ROM Included with the Book 1345

Appendix D: Using Standard Naming Conventions 1355

Index 1363
