SBA Loans: A Step-by-Step Guide, 4th Edition
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More About This Title SBA Loans: A Step-by-Step Guide, 4th Edition
- English
The #1 guide to securing your Small Business Administration loan-Updated and revised to include every SBA loan, program, and service available SBA LOANS
This comprehensive and accessible guide for small business owners shows you how to get your share of the billions of dollars in loans arranged or guaranteed by the SBA each year. In easy, step-by-step fashion, it helps you prepare a successful loan request for a new or established company and offers guidance on developing a business plan for your new business. In addition to full coverage of the agency's various loan programs-including seasonal guarantee, pollution control, energy loan, and Vietnam veteran and handicapped assistance-you'll find an exhaustive directory of all the free services the SBA provides to small businesses. Up-to-date and more comprehensive than ever, this popular reference includes complete information on:
* Understanding the SBA system
* Eligibility requirements
* Recent lending statistics
* ACE-Net finance matching service
* Updated loan application forms and appendix listings
* A new chapter on the Hubzone Empowerment Contracting Program
* Updated information on the Export Working Capital Program
Today, the SBA offers more services and more money than ever before. From coast to coast and in every industry, thousands of American entrepreneurs make the SBA system work for them-and you can too.
This comprehensive and accessible guide for small business owners shows you how to get your share of the billions of dollars in loans arranged or guaranteed by the SBA each year. In easy, step-by-step fashion, it helps you prepare a successful loan request for a new or established company and offers guidance on developing a business plan for your new business. In addition to full coverage of the agency's various loan programs-including seasonal guarantee, pollution control, energy loan, and Vietnam veteran and handicapped assistance-you'll find an exhaustive directory of all the free services the SBA provides to small businesses. Up-to-date and more comprehensive than ever, this popular reference includes complete information on:
* Understanding the SBA system
* Eligibility requirements
* Recent lending statistics
* ACE-Net finance matching service
* Updated loan application forms and appendix listings
* A new chapter on the Hubzone Empowerment Contracting Program
* Updated information on the Export Working Capital Program
Today, the SBA offers more services and more money than ever before. From coast to coast and in every industry, thousands of American entrepreneurs make the SBA system work for them-and you can too.
- English
PATRICK D. O'HARA, PhD, is founder and president of the consulting firm O-TEK Enterprises.
- English
1. Small Business Administration Programs.
2. What Makes the SBA Run?
3. Participating Lenders.
4. Direct Loan Application Approval and Denial.
5. Preparing a Loan Proposal.
6. Completing the SBA Loan Application-SBA Forms 4, 160, 160A, 652, and 601.
7. Personal Financial Statement-SBA Form 413.
8. Statement of Personal History-SBA Form 912.
9. Monthly Cash-Flow Projections-SBA Form 1100.
10. Operating Plan Forecast.
11. Finishing Touches-Forms 159, 641, and 1624.
Appendix A: Statements Required by Law and Executive Order.
Appendix B: Some Things to Do in Starting Your Own Business.
Appendix C: Ten Rules of Advertising.
Appendix D: Media Options.
Appendix E: Advertising-to-Sales Ratios.
Appendix F: How to Write a Successful Yellow Pages Ad.
Appendix G: Advertising Considerations.
Appendix H: The Business Plan.
Appendix I: Typical Loan Package as Provided by a Participating Bank.
Appendix J: SBA Publications Available.
Appendix K: SBA Field Offices.
1. Small Business Administration Programs.
2. What Makes the SBA Run?
3. Participating Lenders.
4. Direct Loan Application Approval and Denial.
5. Preparing a Loan Proposal.
6. Completing the SBA Loan Application-SBA Forms 4, 160, 160A, 652, and 601.
7. Personal Financial Statement-SBA Form 413.
8. Statement of Personal History-SBA Form 912.
9. Monthly Cash-Flow Projections-SBA Form 1100.
10. Operating Plan Forecast.
11. Finishing Touches-Forms 159, 641, and 1624.
Appendix A: Statements Required by Law and Executive Order.
Appendix B: Some Things to Do in Starting Your Own Business.
Appendix C: Ten Rules of Advertising.
Appendix D: Media Options.
Appendix E: Advertising-to-Sales Ratios.
Appendix F: How to Write a Successful Yellow Pages Ad.
Appendix G: Advertising Considerations.
Appendix H: The Business Plan.
Appendix I: Typical Loan Package as Provided by a Participating Bank.
Appendix J: SBA Publications Available.
Appendix K: SBA Field Offices.