OpenSolaris Bible
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  • Wiley

More About This Title OpenSolaris Bible


After a beginning overview of the history of OpenSolaris, its open-source licensing, and the community development model, this book then goes on to highlight the aspects of OpenSolaris that differ from more familiar operating systems. You’ll learn how to become a power user of OpenSolaris by maximizing the abilities of advanced features like Dtrace, the fault management architecture, ZFS, the service management facility, and Zones. Authors provide insider tips, unique tricks, and practical examples to help you stay sharp with the latest features of OpenSolaris.


Nicholas A. Solter is an engineer at Sun Microsystems and core contributor to the OpenSolaris HA Clubsters community group. He is lead author of Professional C++.

Gerald Jelinek is an engineer on the Zones team at Sun and a core contributor to the OpenSolaris Zones community group.

David Miner is an engineer at Sun, a co-lead for the OpenSolaris distribution, and architect of the Caiman installer.


I. Introduction to OpenSolaris.

1. What Is OpenSolaris?

2. Installing OpenSolaris.

3. OpenSolaris Crash Course.

II. Using OpenSolaris

4. The Desktop.

5. Printers and Peripherals.

6. Software Management.

III. OpenSolaris File Systems, Networking, and Security.

7. Disks,  Local File Systems, and the Volume Manager.

8. ZFS.

9. Networking.

10. Network File Systems and Directory Services.

11. Security.

IV. OpenSolaris Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability.

12. Fault Management.

13. Service Management.

14. Monitoring and Observability.

15. DTrace.

16. Clustering for High Availability.

V. OpenSolaris Virtualization.

17. Virtualization Overview.

18. Resource Management.

19. Zones.

20. xVM Hypervisor.

21. Logical Domains (LDoms).

22. VirtualBox.

VI. Developing and Deploying on OpenSolaris.

23. Deploying a Web Stack on OpenSolaris.

24. Developing on OpenSolaris.
