To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development, Volume 27
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More About This Title To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development, Volume 27


An annual publication of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), To Improve the Academy offers a resource for improvement in higher education to faculty and instructional development staff, department chairs, faculty, deans, student services staff, chief academic officers, and educational consultants.


Linda B. Nilson is founding director of the Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation at Clemson University.

Judith E. Miller is associate dean for special academic initiatives at Clark University in Worcester, MA.


About the Authors.



Ethical Guidelines for Educational Developers.

Section I: For and About Educational Developers.

1 Editor’s Introduction: The Educational Developer as Magician (Linda B. Nilson).

2 Experiential Lessons in the Practice of Faculty Development (Ed Neal, Iola Peed-Neal).

3 Maturation of Organizational Development in Higher Education: Using Cultural Analysis to Facilitate Change (Gail F. Latta).

4 Ten Ways to Use a Relational Database at a Faculty Development Center (A. Jane Birch, Tara Gray).

5 Magicians of the Golden State: The CSU Center Director Disappearing Acts (Cynthia Desrochers).

Section II: Helping Faculty Thrive.

6 Practical Tools to Help Faculty Use Learner-Centered Approaches (Phyllis Blumberg).

7 Romancing the Muse: Faculty Writing Institutes as Professional Development (Elizabeth Ambos, Mark Wiley, Terre H. Allen).

8 Leadership for Learning: A New Faculty Development Model (Jane V. Nelson, Audrey M. Kleinsasser).

9 Searching for Meaning on College Campuses: Creating Programs to Nurture the Spirit (Donna M. Qualters, Beverly Dolinsky, Michael Woodnick).

Section III: One-on-One with Faculty.

10 Defeating the Developer’s Dilemma: An Online Tool for Individual Consultations (Michele DiPietro, Susan A. Ambrose, Michael Bridges, Anne Fay, Marsha C. Lovett, Marie Kamala Norman).

11 Lessons Learned from Developing a Learning-Focused Classroom Observation Form (Steven K. Jones, Kenneth S. Sagendorf, D. Brent Morris, David W. Stockburger, Evelyn T. Patterson).

12 Reported Long-Term Value and Effects of Teaching Center Consultations (Wayne Jacobson, Donald H. Wulff, Stacy Grooters, Phillip M. Edwards, Karen Freisem).

Section IV: Educational Development by Institutional Type.

13 Promoting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Community Colleges: Insights from Two Learning Communities (Stanford T. Goto, Andrei Cerqueira Davis).

14 Starting and Sustaining Successful Faculty Development Programs at Small Colleges (Michael Reder, Kim M. Mooney, Richard A. Holmgren, Paul J. Kuerbis).

15 Essential Faculty Development Programs for Teaching and Learning Centers in Research-Extensive Universities (Larissa Pchenitchnaia, Bryan R. Cole).

Section V: Faculty Evaluation.

16 Establishing External, Blind Peer Review of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Within the Disciplines (Cheryl A. Stevens, Erik Rosegard).

17 Learning-Centered Evaluation of Teaching (Trav D. Johnson).

Section VI: For the Next Generation.

18 Meeting New Faculty at the Intersection: Personal and Professional Support Points the Way (Ann Riley).

19 When Mentoring Is the Medium: Lessons Learned from a Faculty Development Initiative (Jung H. Yun, Mary Deane Sorcinelli).

20 Preparing Advocates for Faculty Development: Expanding the Meaning of “Growing Our Own” (Deborah S. Meizlish, Mary C. Wright).

21 Teaching Learning Processes—to Students and Teachers (Pamela E. Barnett, Linda C. Hodges).

