Just Sell It! Selling Skills for Small Business Owners
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Just Sell It! Selling Skills for Small Business Owners


Let a seasoned pro show you how to use the secrets of successfulselling--even if you've had little or no previous experience

You're a small business owner with a product or service you believein, but since you're not ready to hire a sales staff, you have todo the selling yourself. Author and sales pro Ted Tate knows yoursituation because he's been there himself, more than once. JustSell It! is designed to give non-salespeople, who cannot affordyears of on-the-job training, the tools and skills theyneed--quickly and in plain English. This invaluable book revealsthe selling secrets that successful professional salespeople knowand use everyday.

You'll learn:
* How to find and qualify those prospects that are worth your timeand energy
* How to get appointments with busy, hard-to-reach decision-makers
* How to make sales presentations that will make your prospectseager to buy
* How to use time-tested, proven strategies for closing the sale
* How to use effective telemarketing techniques for sellingproducts and services

And hundreds of other tips, techniques, and psychological maneuversthat will give you an edge in all kinds of selling situations.What's more, you'll learn how to maximize the other, not-so-obviousbenefits of being your own salesperson, like learning about yourclients and your competition.

Just Sell It! is an indispensable, money-making, time-saving guide,whether you're just starting out, or just want to sharpen yourselling skills with lessons from a pro.


TED TATE is President of Ted Tate & Associates in Mentor, Ohio,a small business and sales training firm. In addition to havingowned several small businesses, Mr. Tate has worked as a salesman,vice president of marketing, director of sales and training, andcompany president.


Doing It All.

What One Call Sales Closing Means to Your Bank Account.

Finding Eager Buyers.

Big-Money Prospecting Strategies.

Qualify and Succeed.

Sales Presentations that Make People Eager to Buy.

Closing-the-Sales Strategies.

Closing Strategies to Put Money in Your Bank Account.

Telemarketing for Success.

Setting Sales Appointments by Telemarketing.

Selling Products and Services by Telephone.

Service Will Make or Break You.

Goals: Time Management's Twin.

Time Management.

Tools and Techniques to Increase Productivity.

"If You Were My Best Friend." Strategies for Success.

