ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit:Ready-to-Use Strategies & Activities for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
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More About This Title ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit:Ready-to-Use Strategies & Activities for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
- English
For teachers, counselors and parents, this comprehensive new resource is filled with up-to-date information and practical strategies to help kids with attention deficits learn to control and change their own behaviors and build the academic, social, and personal skills necessary for success in school and in life. The Kit first explains ADD/ADHD behavior, its biological bases and basic characteristics and describes procedures used for diagnosis and various treatment options. It then details a proven set of training exercises and programs in which teachers, counselors and parents work together to monitor and manage the child's behavior to achieve the desired results.
- English
Grad L. Flick received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Miami in 1969 with APA-approved internship at the University of Florida Medical Center. A licensed psychologist since 1971, Dr. Flick has specializations in neuropsychology and applied psychophysiology. He has been certified in stress management and employee assistance, and he has Fellow and Diplomatic status from the American Board of Medical Psychotherapists. He has also held positions in psychology at the University of New Orleans and Louisiana State University School of Medicine, and has served as consultant to several hospitals in the New Orleans and Mississippi Gulf Coast area. Since 1971, he has been in private practice and is currently director of Seacoast Psychological Associates, Inc. Dr. Flick and his wife, Alma L. Flick, Ph. D., specialize in the evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with Attention Deficit Disorder, and other learning and behavioral problems. Dr. Grad Flick is also director of the ADD Clinic, which offers year-round programs for children, adolescents, and adults, as well as behavioral and cognitive therapies, and traditional and group therapies. A Summer Camp and summer program for children with ADD/ADHD are also offered.
Dr. Flick, who is currently Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Mississippi Regional Gulf Park Campus in Long Beach has numerous publication credits, has conducted many workshops for both parents and teachers on ADD, and has given lectures to various parent and teacher organizations on ADD and Child Management. He is the author of Power Parenting for Children with ADD/ADHD: A Practical Parent's Guide for Managing Difficult Behaviors (The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1996), ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit (The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1997), and Managing Difficult Behavior in the Classroom: A Pocket Guide for Teachers (Seacoast Publications, 1999). He has over 28 years' experience in both research and clinical practice with children who present attentional, learning, and/or behavioral disorders. Drs. Grad and Alma Flick have also parented a child with learning disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Dr. Flick, who is currently Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Mississippi Regional Gulf Park Campus in Long Beach has numerous publication credits, has conducted many workshops for both parents and teachers on ADD, and has given lectures to various parent and teacher organizations on ADD and Child Management. He is the author of Power Parenting for Children with ADD/ADHD: A Practical Parent's Guide for Managing Difficult Behaviors (The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1996), ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit (The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1997), and Managing Difficult Behavior in the Classroom: A Pocket Guide for Teachers (Seacoast Publications, 1999). He has over 28 years' experience in both research and clinical practice with children who present attentional, learning, and/or behavioral disorders. Drs. Grad and Alma Flick have also parented a child with learning disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
- English
About the Author.
About this Resource Kit.
Chapter 1: Essential Background Information.
Chapter 2: Diagnosis and Treatment of ADD/ADHD.
Chapter 3: Looking at Behavior: The A-B-Cs of Behavior-Change Programs.
Chapter 4: Managing Behavior.
Chapter 5: Social Skills.
Chapter 6: Homework Issues for Parents.
Chapter 7: Expanding Home Programs to Include School Behavior.
Chapter 8: Effective Behavioral Techniques for Teachers.
Chapter 9: General Activities and Games.
Chapter 10: Survival Training for Parents and Teachers.
Appendix A: Neuropsychological Report.
Appendix B: Rating Scales.
Appendix C: ADD/ADHD Diagnostic Checklist and Treatment Organizer.
Appendix D: Treatment Options for ADD/ADHD Using a Problem-Oriented Approach.
Appendix E: Model Clinic for ADD/ADHD.
Appendix F: Recommended Resources.
About the Author.
About this Resource Kit.
Chapter 1: Essential Background Information.
Chapter 2: Diagnosis and Treatment of ADD/ADHD.
Chapter 3: Looking at Behavior: The A-B-Cs of Behavior-Change Programs.
Chapter 4: Managing Behavior.
Chapter 5: Social Skills.
Chapter 6: Homework Issues for Parents.
Chapter 7: Expanding Home Programs to Include School Behavior.
Chapter 8: Effective Behavioral Techniques for Teachers.
Chapter 9: General Activities and Games.
Chapter 10: Survival Training for Parents and Teachers.
Appendix A: Neuropsychological Report.
Appendix B: Rating Scales.
Appendix C: ADD/ADHD Diagnostic Checklist and Treatment Organizer.
Appendix D: Treatment Options for ADD/ADHD Using a Problem-Oriented Approach.
Appendix E: Model Clinic for ADD/ADHD.
Appendix F: Recommended Resources.