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- Wiley
More About This Title Janice VanCleave's Science Around the World: Activities on Biomes from Pole to Pole
- English
Janice VanCleave's Science Around the World presents interestingfacts and fun experiments that relate to the different geographicalregions of the world-also known as biomes. Each differentbiome-forest, grassland, desert, and tundra-has its own uniqueplant life, animal life, and climate. The experiments, activities,and facts in this book help explain how the different biomes workand show the importance biomes play in keeping life on Earth sofascinatingly diverse.
You'll learn how the tilt of Earth affects the weather in differentparts of the world; how and why some animals migrate; why leaveschange color; and how cacti survive so long without rainfall. Fromthe South American rainforests to the African savannas to theChinese Takla Makan Desert, you'll find out how climate andgeography determine the way plants and animals look and behave-withsafe, inexpensive experiments for the home and classroom!
- English
Janice VanCleave is a former science teacher who now spends her time writing and giving science workshops. She is the author of more than forty books that have sold over two million copies and a resident science fair authority on discovery.com
- English
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction 1
Tropical Rain Forests 5
1. Rain Forest Humidity 7
2. Rain Forest Soil 10
3. Rain Forest Plants 13
4. Forest Canopy and Below 16
5. Rain Forest Animals 19
Deciduous Forests 22
6. Seasons 24
7. Broadleaf Trees 28
8. Deciduous Forest Animals 31
9. Leaf Colors 34
Coniferous Forests 37
10. Conifers 39
11. Adaptations of Coniferous Plants 41
12. Food Chains 43
Temperate Grasslands 49
13. Grasses 51
14. Prairie Grasses 54
15. Prairie Animals 58
Tropical Grasslands 60
16. Savanna Plants and Animals 62
17. Savanna Animal Survivors 64
Hot Deserts 70
18. Sandy Deserts 72
19. Transpiration 74
20. Hot Desert Plants 76
21. Hot Desert Animals 78
22. Camels 81
Cold Deserts 84
23. Cold Desert Plants 86
24. Cold Desert Animals 88
Lowland Tundra 93
25. Permafrost 95
26. Arctic Tundra Plants 98
27. Arctic Tundra Animals 100
28. Polar Bears 103
Highland Tundras 106
29. Snow 108
30. Winds 110
Glossary 112
Index 117