Interpretation Basics of Cone Beam Computed Tomography
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More About This Title Interpretation Basics of Cone Beam Computed Tomography


Interpretation Basics of Cone Beam Computed Tomography is an easy-to-use guide to Cone Beam CT technology for general dental practitioners and dental students. It covers normal anatomy, common anatomical variants, and incidental findings that practitioners must be familiar with when interpreting CBCT scans. In addition to functioning as an identification guide, the book presents and discusses sample reports illustrating how to use this information in day-to-day clinical practice.

Organized by anatomical regions, the book is easy to navigate and features multiple images of examples discussed. It also includes a valuable section on legal issues surrounding this new technology, essential for informed and appropriate use.


Shawneen M. Gonzalez, D.D.S., M.S., is Assistant Professor and Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Clinic in the College of Dentistry at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lincoln, Nebraska. She teaches multiple clinical and didactic oral radiology courses at UNMC, and her research focuses on CBCT uses and education methods of oral and maxillofacial radiology.


Preface ix

Acknowledgments xi

About the Companion Website xiii

1. Introduction to Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Introduction 3

Conventional Computed Tomography (CT) 3

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) 4

Conventional CT Versus Cone Beam CT 4

Viewing CBCT Data 6

Artifacts 9

Common Uses 12

2. Legal Issues Concerning Cone Beam Computed Tomography 25
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Introduction 25

Standard of Care 25

Recommendations 26

Summary 29

3. Paranasal Sinuses and Mastoid Air Cells 31
Gayle Reardon

Introduction 31

Anatomy 31

Inflammatory Disease of the Paranasal Sinuses 45

Intrinsic Diseases of the Paranasal Sinuses 49

Postsurgical Changes of Paranasal Sinuses 56

4. The Sinonasal Cavity and Airway 59
Gayle Reardon

Introduction 59

Anatomy 59

Surgical Variations 75

Inflammatory Diseases 77

The Pharynx 80

The Nasopharynx 80

The Oropharynx 82

The Hypopharynx (Also Called Laryngopharynx) 83

The Parapharyngeal Space 83

5. Cranial Skull Base 85
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Introduction 85

Anatomy 85

Incidental Findings 93

6. Soft Tissue of the Brain and Orbits 103
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Introduction 103

Anatomy—Soft Tissue of the Brain and Orbits 103

Incidental Findings—Soft Tissue of the Brain 108

Incidental Findings—Orbits 118

7. Cervical Spine and Soft Tissues of the Neck 123
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Introduction 123

Anatomy—Cervical Spine and Soft Tissues of the Neck 123

Incidental Findings 129

8. Temporomandibular Joints 143
Gayle Reardon

The Temporomandibular Joints 143

Normal Anatomy and Function 143

Developmental Abnormalities 147

Soft Tissue Abnormalities 152

Remodeling and Arthritis 153

Trauma 163

Tumors 165

9. Implants 167
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Introduction 167

Imaging for Implant Purposes 167

Linear Measurement Accuracy 169

Grey Values and Hounsfield Units 170

Mandibular Canal 171

Virtual Implant Placement Software 172

Appendix 1: Sample Reports 177
Shawneen M. Gonzalez

Appendix 2: Resources 189

Index 191
