Corporate Fraud and Internal Control Workbook: A Framework for Prevention
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Corporate Fraud and Internal Control Workbook: A Framework for Prevention


The essential companion to Corporate Fraud and Internal Control, complete with review exercises for key concepts

Used together with Corporate Fraud and Internal Control: A Framework for Prevention, this Workbook tests readers' knowledge of the subject with a focus on the appropriateness of the design of the system of internal controls in fraud risk mitigation, as well as the mechanisms to ensure effective implementation and monitoring on an ongoing basis. This Workbook includes step-by-step exercises and tests to help the reader master the techniques in fraud prevention and detection.

  • Companion to Corporate Fraud and Internal Control: A Framework for Prevention
  • Includes step-by-step exercise and tests
  • Provides discussion-based case studies
  • Features the necessary tools that companies need to combat fraud

Written by a fraud prevention leader, Corporate Fraud and Internal Control Workbook features a fill in the blanks structure, followed by a short answer section, and ending with a discussion based series of case studies covering the following topics.


RICHARD E. CASCARINO, CRMA, CFE, CIA, CISM, MBA, is a principal of Richard Cascarino & Associates. He has over thirty years' experience in audit training and consultancy and is a regular speaker at Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) events throughout the United States, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East on fraud prevention, risk management, corporate governance, IT security, and internal auditing.


Preface vii


Chapter 1: Nature of Fraud 3

Chapter 2: Elements of the Crimes of Theft and Fraud 9

Chapter 3: Frauds Against the Individual 15

Chapter 4: Frauds Against the Organization 19

Chapter 5: Fighting Corruption 31

Chapter 6: Role of Ethics in Fighting Fraud 39

Chapter 7: Controlling Fraud 45

Chapter 8: Fraud Risk Management 55

Chapter 9: Investigating Fraud 63

Chapter 10: Computer Fraud and Countermeasures 75

Chapter 11: Legal Issues Surrounding Fraud 91

Chapter 12: Industry-Related Fraud Opportunities 95


Chapter 1: Nature of Fraud 115

Chapter 2: Elements of the Crimes of Theft and Fraud 119

Chapter 3: Frauds against the Individual 123

Chapter 4: Frauds against the Organization 125Chapter 5: Fighting Corruption 131

Chapter 6: Role of Ethics in Fighting Fraud 137

Chapter 7: Controlling Fraud 141

Chapter 8: Fraud Risk Management 149

Chapter 9: Investigating Fraud 153

Chapter 10: Computer Fraud and Countermeasures 159

Chapter 11: Legal Issues Surrounding Fraud 167

Chapter 12: Industry-Related Fraud Opportunities 169
