Visualizing Geology, Third Edition
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Murck's 3rd edition of Visualizing Geology maximizes the use of National Geographic Society photographs, maps, illustrations and video to bring dynamic Earth processes. From the ground-up, this text is designed to better meet the needs of those involved in the large mainstream Physical Geology course and working to attain a science credit. The text provides pedagogy to help reader’s better digest more material than they would in a conventional textbook. Moreover it provides information about geology as a discipline as a dynamic and growing science, to move readers beyond the idea that geology is simply about the memorization of terms related to dead rocks.


Barbara Murck is a geologist and senior lecturer in environmental science at the University of Toronto Mississauga. She completed her undergraduate degree in Geological and Geophysical Sciences at Princeton University and then spent two years in the Peace Corps in West Africa, before returning to Ph.D. studies at the University of Toronto. Her subsequent teaching and research has involved an interesting combination of geology, natural hazards, environmental science, and environmental issues in the developing world, primarily in Africa and Asia. She also carries out practical research on pedagogy. She is an award-winning lecturer who has co-authored a number of books, including several with Brian Skinner.

Brian Skinner was born and raised in Australia, studied at the University of Adelaide in South Australia, worked in the mining industry in Tasmania, and in 1951 entered the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, from which he obtained his Ph.D. in 1954. Following a period as a research scientist in the United States Geological Survey in Washington D.C., he joined the faculty at Yale in 1966, where he continues his teaching and research as the Eugene Higgins Professor of Geology and Geophysics. Brian Skinner has been president of the Geochemical Society, the Geological Society of America, and the Society of Economic Geologists, He holds an honorary Doctor of Science from Toronto University, and an honorary Doctor of Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.



1 Earth as a Planet 2

2 Earth Materials 34

3 How Old is Old? The Rock Record and Geologic Time 64

4 Plate Tectonics 92

5 Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior 118

6 Volcanoes and Igneous Rocks 150

7 Weathering and Erosion 188

8 From Sediment to Sedimentary Rock 218

9 Folds, Faults, and Geological Maps 248

10 Metamorphism: New Rock from Old 278

11 Water On and Under the Ground 306

12 The Ocean and the Atmosphere 344

13 Climatic Extremes: Deserts and Glaciers 384

14 Earth’s Climates: Past, Present, Future 416

15 A Brief History of Life on Earth 454

16 Understanding Earth’s Resources 492

Appendix A: Units and Their Conversions 526

Appendix B: Periodic Table of Elements 528

Appendix C: Tables of the Properties of Selected Common Minerals 529

Appendix D: Self-Test Answers 532

Glossary 533

Table and Line Art Credits 538

Photo Credits 540

Index 545
