The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success
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More About This Title The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success


"The Student EQ Edge is more relevant today than any other time in the history of our world. Our opportunity to succeed in the 21st century will depend a great deal on our emotional intelligence in our transformation to lifelong learning and our leadership ability. This book is the competitive edge." —Stedman Graham, best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur

"We have been long aware that academic ability does not necessarily predict college success. This book provides a comprehensive look at emotional intelligence and the role it plays in student persistence. It takes these noncognitive aspects that we know really matter and puts them into a practical, user-friendly guide. This book is long overdue in higher education." —Catherine Andersen, master trainer in emotional intelligence; professor and special assistant to the provost for student success, Gallaudet University

"As important as book learning is, we know that success in life is also dependent upon emotional intelligence. The authors of The Student EQ Edge define emotional intelligence and provide a road map for mastering emotional intelligence skills. I would highly recommend The Student EQ Edge to any high school or college student interested in knowing what it takes to be truly successful both inside and outside the classroom." —Brad Beacham, executive director, Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.

"The Student EQ Edge is substantive, readable, and sure to appeal to students both in classes as well as those who are lucky to pick it up for personal development reading. The book is appealing because the research is understandable; numerous examples are integrated throughout, and readers are encouraged to apply what they are reading." —Dennis Roberts, assistant vice president for faculty and student services for the Qatar Foundation


STEVEN J. STEIN is a clinical psychologist and founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems Inc. He is coauthor, with Howard Book, of The EQ Edge.

HOWARD E. BOOK is an organizational consultant and psychiatrist. He is an associate professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

KORREL KANOY is professor emeritus of psychology at William Peace University and an educational consultant.

The book is sponsored by Multi-Health Systems (MHS), which has been publishing psychological assessments for 30 years.


Preface vii

Acknowledgments ix

About the Authors xi

PART 1 Introduction 1

1 Emotional Intelligence: Here to Stay 3

2 Class Closed and the ABCDE Model 27

PART 2 The Self-Perception Realm 41

3 Emotional Self-Awareness 43

4 Self-Regard 55

5 Self-Actualization 65

PART 3 The Self-Expression Realm 77

6 Emotional Expression 79

7 Independence 89

8 Assertiveness 99

PART 4 The Interpersonal Realm 115

9 Interpersonal Relationships 117

10 Empathy 127

11 Social Responsibility 139

PART 5 The Decision-Making Realm 151

12 Reality Testing 153

13 Problem Solving 161

14 Impulse Control 173

PART 6 The Stress Management Realm 183

15 Flexibility 185

16 Stress Tolerance 195

17 Optimism 207

PART 7 General Well-Being 217

18 Happiness 219

PART 8 Putting It All Together 231

19 EQ and Student Success 233

20 EQ and Work Success 247

21 Th e Role of EQ in Leadership 281

22 EQ, Lifestyle, Healthy Living, and Relationships 293

23 What’s Next? 303

References 305

Index 315


“The perfect trilogy in one package! Stein, Book, and Kanoy have taken emotional intelligence (EI) from the laboratory of theory and scientific research and created a practical, relevant, and engaging program for students in secondary and postsecondary settings. Using the revised Bar-On EI model, this hands-on and user-friendly program includes the book, student workbook, and facilitation and activity guide and is backed by a wealth of practical experience and supporting studies. It has importance, meaning, and direct relevance to all students. As B. F. Skinner once asked, ‘What will the world be like in 50 years?’ The Student EQ Edge gives promise to finding the best answer.” —Don Saklofske, professor, Psychology Department, Western University