The Prince
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What makes this well-annotated translation stand out from others is an insightful introduction by editor Thomas G. Bergin–especially helpful for achieving a better understanding of the times and the political scene in which Machiavelli worked, lived, and wrote. Also included are a list of important dates in Machiavelli's life, an index of proper names in the text and notes, and a selected bibliography.


Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian philosopher and writer, and is considered one of the founders of modern political science. He was a diplomat and civil servant in the Florentine Republic in the sixteenth century, until arrested for conspiracy in 1513 after which he gave his time to writing.

Thomas G. Bergin - 1904 - 1987 - was an American scholar of Italian literature. He was an authority on writers including Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarch, and Giovanni Verga. His translated works such as Dante's Divine Comedy and Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince.


Introduction vii

To the magnificent Lorenzo, son of piero de’ medici xiii

1.Types of Monarchy and How They Are Acquired 1

II. Hereditary Monarchies 1

III. Mixed Monarchies 2

IV. Why the Kingdom of Darius, Occupied by Alexander, Did Not Rebel Against Alexander’s Successors after His Death 10

V.  How Cities or States Previously Independent Must Be Governed after Occupation 12

VI. Of New Monarchies Acquired by One’s Arms and Ability 13

VII. New Monarchies Acquired by the Power of Others or by Fortune 16

VIII. On Those Who Have Become Princes by Crime 23

IX. Civil Monarchy 26

X. How the Strength of All Monarchies Should Be Measured 29

XI. Eccelesiastical Monarchies 31

XII. Various Kinds of Troops with Special Discussion of Mercenaries 33

XIII. Auxiliaries, Mixed, and Native Troops 38

XIV. The Prince’s Duty in Military Matters 41

XV. On Things for Which Men, and Particularly Princes, Are Praised or Blamed 44

XVI. Generosity and Meanness 45

XVII. Cruelty and Clemency and Whether It Is Better to Be Loved or Feared 47

XVIII. In What Manner Princes Should Keep Their Word 50

XIX. Essential to Avoid Being Hated or Despised 52

XX. Whether the Building of Fortresses or Other Measures Taken by Princes Are Useful or Dangerous 61

XXI. How a Prince Should Conduct Himself in Order to Acquire Prestige 65

XXII. The Prince’s Ministers 68

XXIII. How to Avoid Flatterers 69

XXIV. Why the Princes of Italy Have Lost Their States 71

XXV. The Influence of Fortune on Human Affairs and How It May Be Countered 72

XXVI. Exhortation to Free Italy from the Barbarians 75

Bibliography 79

Index of Proper Names 80
